Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Comunicación
Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas

Study programme guide Study programme guide
1st Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
P04G190V01101 Economics: Economics 1st
Basic education 6
P04G190V01102 Language: advertising language in Galician 1st
Basic education 6
P04G190V01103 Language: Advertising language in Spanish 1st
Basic education 6
P04G190V01104 Communication: History and Theory of Communication 1st
Basic education 6
P04G190V01105 Advertising theory and practice 1st
Mandatory 6
P04G190V01106 Communication: Image theory and technique 1st
Basic education 6
P04G190V01201 Communication: Written Communication 2nd
Basic education 6
P04G190V01202 Company: Basics of organisation and business management 2nd
Basic education 6
P04G190V01203 Sociology : Social Structure, consumption and lifestyle 2nd
Basic education 6
P04G190V01204 Communication: History of advertising and publicity 2nd
Basic education 6
P04G190V01205 Public relations theory and practice 2nd
Mandatory 6
2nd Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
P04G190V01301 Public Administration and statistical analysis 1st
Mandatory 6
P04G190V01302 Company: Basics of marketing techniques 1st
Basic education 6
P04G190V01303 Communication: Corporate image 1st
Basic education 6
P04G190V01304 Advertising Creativity 1st
Mandatory 6
P04G190V01404 Advertising writing and voice-over 1st
Mandatory 6
P04G190V01305 Advertising photography theory and practice 2nd
Mandatory 6
P04G190V01401 Preparation of advertising message 2nd
Mandatory 6
P04G190V01402 Strategic Advertising 2nd
Mandatory 6
P04G190V01403 Structures and activity of the advertising agency 2nd
Mandatory 6
P04G190V01405 TV communication theory and practice 2nd
Mandatory 6
3rd Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
P04G190V01501 Communication ethics 1st
Mandatory 6
P04G190V01502 Media research and hearings techniques and methods 1st
Mandatory 6
P04G190V01503 Public relations strategic planning 1st
Mandatory 6
P04G190V01505 Print advertising production 1st
Mandatory 6
P04G190V01506 Political advertising techniques 1st
Mandatory 6
P04G190V01504 Advertising production in audiovisual media 2nd
Mandatory 6
P04G190V01601 Evaluation of advertising effectiveness 2nd
Mandatory 6
P04G190V01602 Planning and management of advertising media 2nd
Mandatory 6
P04G190V01603 Institutional and electoral communication techniques 2nd
Mandatory 6
P04G190V01604 Public relations techniques 2nd
Mandatory 6
4th Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
P04G190V01701 Communication management 1st
Mandatory 6
P04G190V01901 Image and public relations campaigns 1st
Optional 6
P04G190V01902 Film and advertising 1st
Optional 6
P04G190V01903 Alternative Communication: Virtual Media and new advertising media 1st
Optional 6
P04G190V01904 Crisis Communication 1st
Optional 6
P04G190V01905 Public Opinion 1st
Optional 6
P04G190V01906 Advertising, graphic arts and typeface 1st
Optional 6
P04G190V01907 International advertising 1st
Optional 6
P04G190V01908 Public Relations and solidary communication 1st
Optional 6
P04G190V01909 Public relations and protocol 1st
Optional 6
P04G190V01910 Radio communication theory and technique 1st
Optional 6
P04G190V01801 Multimedia and web advertising production 2nd
Mandatory 6
P04G190V01981 Internships: Professional placement project 2nd
Optional 12
P04G190V01991 Final Year Dissertation 2nd
Mandatory 12
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000