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Job Offer: CINBIO 35. Predoc Researcher on Biology and Materials Science

Ofertas de emprego

23-04-2019 ata: 04-06-2019

REFERENCE: CINBIO 35. Predoc Researcher on Biology and Materials Science

Profile: The Biomedical Research Center (CINBIO) offers one full-time interim predoctoral position to a highly motivated and qualified candidate on “Biology and Materials Science”, related to the area of Innovation: new methods in prevention, diagnostics and therapy, in the Colloid Chemistry Group, based in Vigo.

Time frame: 4 months (starting on june 2019), and may be renewed.

Mandatory Degrees:

  • Degree in Biology.
  • Masters Degree in Biotechnology or related disciplines, obtained before signing the contract.

Expected Skills:

  • Some experience in molecular biology techniques, cell cultures, bioconjugation of nanomaterials, confocal and Raman scattering spectroscopy.
  • Language skills: good English level.
  • Excellent communication skills; and willing to advance on their PhD pursuit.

Salary:  It is 1250 €/month, before taxes (gross salary + employee social costs). It is also covered end of contract compensation, and social security costs from employer side.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Official Academic degrees.
  • CV, research  experience, communication skills, level of english.
  • A personal interview may be requested.

Candidates have to  send:

  1. APPLICATION FORM, ANNEX II (pdf file: cinbio35_YourName_Form.pdf).
  2. Official Degrees. (name the pdf file: cinbio35_YourName_ Degrees).
  3. Curriculum vitae (name the pdf file: cinbio35_YourName_CV). It is preferred Euro pass CV format.
  4. Cover letter, summarizing the applicant’s career and experience, and interest (one A4 page in pdf format. Please, name the file cinbio35_YourName_Letter).

Please, send the required documents (described in Annex I, and Annex II) to , indicating the email subject: CINBIO 35. Predoc Researcher on Biology and Materials Science.

Application deadline: JUNE 4th 2019, (16:00 hours, local time).

Evaluation process:

The Human Resources Board will decide on selection and hiring. 

Please, find more information about CINBIO, in our website:; and follow the recruitment process here: