Autonomous problem solving |
Independent learning outside contact hours. Coursework submissions related to topics/tasks discussed in class. Most assignments will be submitted via the eLearning platform. |
45 |
A4 A5
B4 B5 B6 B7 B8
C2 C3
- The course is taught entirely in English.
- Attendance is compulsory.
- Students are expected to complete all assignments and readings suggested by the lecturer(s), and to come to the sessions prepared to discuss them.
- Submission deadlines will be agreed on with the students at the start of the course. Generally, assignments will be submitted after each thematic unit, and the final written assignment will be submitted after the end of the course.
- Students must visit the eLearning platform (Moovi) for the course regularly. Students are expected to check their university email on a regular basis: announcements and last-minute changes will be notified via email/Moovi.
- Academic misconduct (including cheating, plagiarism, collusion or fabrication of results) will not be tolerated and will be seriously penalised with a failing mark in the course. Pledging lack of awareness will not exempt the student from her/his responsibility.
- Students who fail this course will have a second opportunity in July. They will be required to re-submit the items of coursework that they did not pass in the first round. A single submission deadline (common to all students) will be agreed on between the lecturer and the students.