Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias Empresariais e Turismo
Grado en Turismo

Study programme guide Study programme guide
1st Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
O04G240V01101 Company: Accounting of tourism organisations 1 1st
Basic education 6
O04G240V01102 Company: Direction and management of tourism entities 1 1st
Basic education 6
O04G240V01103 Economics: Introduction to economics 1st
Basic education 6
O04G240V01104 Geography: Tourism in today´s world 1st
Basic education 6
O04G240V01105 Sociology: Tourism sociology 1st
Basic education 6
O04G240V01201 Law: Tourism legislation 2nd
Basic education 9
O04G240V01202 Company: Accounting of tourism organisations 2 2nd
Basic education 6
O04G240V01203 Company: Direction and Management of tourism entities II 2nd
Basic education 6
O04G240V01204 Modern language: English for tourism 2nd
Basic education 9
2nd Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
O04G240V01301 Economics applied to tourism 1st
Mandatory 6
O04G240V01302 Foreign languages for tourism IA: English 1st
Mandatory 3
O04G240V01303 Tourism marketing 1st
Mandatory 6
O04G240V01304 Territorial resources 1st
Mandatory 6
O04G240V01305 Human resources management in tourism ventures 1st
Mandatory 6
O04G240V01306 Foreign languages for tourism IB: French 1st
Mandatory 3
O04G240V01307 Foreign languages for tourism IC: German 1st
Mandatory 3
O04G240V01308 Foreign languages for tourism ID: Portuguese 1st
Mandatory 3
O04G240V01401 Tourism distribution 2nd
Mandatory 6
O04G240V01402 Statistics 2nd
Mandatory 6
O04G240V01403 Foreign languages for tourism IIA: English 2nd
Mandatory 3
O04G240V01404 Cultural heritage 2nd
Mandatory 6
O04G240V01405 Tourism promotion 2nd
Mandatory 6
O04G240V01406 Foreign languages for tourism IIB: French 2nd
Mandatory 3
O04G240V01407 Foreign languages for tourism IIC: German 2nd
Mandatory 3
O04G240V01408 Foreign languages for tourism IID: Portuguese 2nd
Mandatory 3
3rd Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
O04G240V01501 Tourism and economic territorial development 1st
Mandatory 6
O04G240V01502 Foreign languages the tourism IIIA: English 1st
Mandatory 3
O04G240V01503 Tourism Management Information Systems 1st
Mandatory 6
O04G240V01504 Restaurant management 1st
Mandatory 6
O04G240V01505 Financial resources management 1st
Mandatory 6
O04G240V01506 Foreign languages for tourism IIIB: French 1st
Mandatory 3
O04G240V01508 Foreign languages for tourism IIIB: Portuguese 1st
Mandatory 3
O04G240V01601 Taxation of tourist companies 2nd
Mandatory 6
O04G240V01602 Research of tourist markets 2nd
Mandatory 6
O04G240V01603 Foreign languages for tourism IVA: English 2nd
Mandatory 3
O04G240V01604 Public planing of tourism development 2nd
Mandatory 6
O04G240V01605 Accommodation management 2nd
Mandatory 6
O04G240V01606 Foreign languages for tourism IVB: French 2nd
Mandatory 3
O04G240V01607 Foreign languages for tourism IVB: German 2nd
Mandatory 3
O04G240V01608 Foreign languages for tourism IVB: Portuguese 2nd
Mandatory 3
4th Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
O04G240V01901 Art and cultural tourism 1st
Optional 6
O04G240V01902 Customer Service 1st
Optional 6
O04G240V01903 Tourist process quality 1st
Optional 6
O04G240V01904 E-marketing in the tourism sector 1st
Optional 6
O04G240V01905 International trade and tourism 1st
Optional 6
O04G240V01906 Tourism, labour and international law 1st
Optional 6
O04G240V01907 Creation and viability of tourist companies 1st
Optional 6
O04G240V01908 Planning and management of tourist spaces 1st
Optional 6
O04G240V01909 Planning ad guiding tourist itineraries 1st
Optional 6
O04G240V01910 Management of interior destinations 1st
Optional 6
O04G240V01911 Design, questionnaire design and analysis of data in tourism research 2nd
Optional 6
O04G240V01912 Financial planning of tourism businesses 2nd
Optional 6
O04G240V01981 Internships 2nd
Mandatory 12
O04G240V01991 Final Year Dissertation 2nd
Mandatory 12
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000