Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias Empresariais e Turismo


The Business Administration and Tourism School of Ourense is located in the Business & Lawl Building of the University Campus in the heart of of the city.

The educational offer for the next course 2024-2025 is:

Titles of Degree:

  • Degree in Business Administration
  • Degree in Tourism
  • Double Degree Program "Business Administration + Computing Engineering"
  • Double Degree Program "Business Administration + Law"
  • Double Degree Progran "Tourism + History"
  • International Double Degree in Business Administration (Germany & Spain)
  • Degree in Tourism with specialization in Thermalism

Since the academic year 2015-2016, thanks to a Inter-Institutional cooperation agreement with Hochschule Bremerhaven, the Business Administration and Tourism School offers a International Double Degree Programme in Business Administration & Management at the University of Vigo and Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration at Hochschule - Bremerhaven. And for a third year, the Business Administration International Program is offered with more than 60 credits taught in English. Since 2016-17 we offer the Tourism International Program, a specialization in thermalism is currently offered in cooperation with the Institute de Thermalisme of the University of Bordeaux.

With these agreements and programs the Business Administration and Tourism School is comitted to the internationalization of studies and the participation of students in mobility and exchanges programs, thus opening up a range of new horizons and future options.

Regarding POSTGRADUATE COURSES of the Business Administration and Tourism School:

  • Master Degree in Inland Tourism and Health Management and Planning
  • MBA in Sport

To obtain more information visits our page web

Come and visit us!

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000