All students are entitled to two examination calls: - Ordinary call, in the teaching semester. - Extraordinary call, in June/July In each call, the student can choose to be assessed using
the continuous assessment (CA) system or, alternatively, opt for a Global
Assessment (GA) exam. The default assessment is the CA. Students must inform the teacher about their withdrawal from continuous assessment by email before October 15th. The choice of the GA
implies the waiver of the right to be assessed through the remaining CA
activities; it also implies the waiver of the grade obtained up to that moment
in any of the tests already taken. Continuous assessment (CA): - Attendance at the practical sessions is compulsory (except
for justified reasons).
- First opportunity (ordinary call): The final mark will be the
weighted average of the marks corresponding to the practical work (30%) and two
mid-term exams (35% each). If the student does not achieve a mark equal to or
higher than 5 points, he/she may waive the grade of the mid-term exams and take
a final exam that will take place on the official date of the first GA exam
call. call. In this case, the final mark will be equal to the weighted sum of the
mark for the practical work (30%) and the final exam (70%).
- Second opportunity (extraordinary call June/July): The grade
will be the weighted sum of the mark in practical work (30%) and a final exam
(70%) that will take place on the official date of the GA exam of the second
Global assessment (GA, in the case of waiving continuous assessment): - First opportunity
(ordinary call): 100% of the mark is achieved through a final exam. - Second opportunity
(extraordinary call in June/July): 100% of the mark is achieved through a final exam.
* Only for Spanish students: The assessment in the "Convocatoria Fin de Carrera" will be through GA exam (100%). The dates the GA exams (first and second call)
and the "Convocatoria Fin de Carrera" exams are those approved by the Faculty Board for the academic year 2024/25. See Students must take into account Title VII (The use
of illicit means) of the Regulation on the assessment, grading, quality of teaching and the student learning process. |