Scientific events |
Attendance to scientific reunions selected by the professor.
Reports. |
5 |
A1 A2 A5
B1 B2 B5 B7
C3 C6 C9
D2 D4 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10
Case studies |
Participation and involvement in compulsory reading's debates. |
5 |
A1 A2 A5
B1 B2 B5 B7
C3 C6 C9
D2 D4 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10
Project |
Digital skills development.
Motivation and implementation of Digital Humanities skills. |
30 |
A1 A2 A5
B1 B2 B5 B7
C3 C6 C9
D2 D4 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10
Essay questions exam |
Final test on the subject contents. |
25 |
A1 A2 A5
B1 B2 B5 B7
C3 C6
D2 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10
COMPULSORY READINGS (ALL MODALITIES)- Horacio Quiroga (1908). Historia de un amor turbio.
- Ricardo Güiraldes (1926). Don Segundo Sombra o Jorge Icaza (1934). Huasipungo.
- Mariano Azuela (1916). Los de abajo.
- Leopoldo Marechal (1948). Adán Buenosayres.
- Pierre Quiroule (1925). Ella y él. Preludiando el libre amar [available on Moovi].
- Alejo Carpentier (1949). El reino de este mundo.
- Miguel Ángel Asturias (1946). El señor presidente.
- Juan Rulfo (1955). Pedro Páramo o Gabriel García Márquez (1967). Cien años de soledad.
- Julio Cortázar (selección de cuentos [available on Moovi]).
- Mario Vargas Llosa (1963). La ciudad y los perros.
- Nona Fernández (2000). El cielo.
- Gabriela Wiener (2008). Sexografías.
ASSESSSMENTIf you fail to mee the 50% assessment requirement, you must attend the July single assessment. A. Continuous assessment1. Systematic observation (5%) - Attendance to lectures, practices and mentoring sessions. If any personal or specific situation arises, it must be discussed with the professor.
- Involvement in lecturers where a debate arises; cooperation on the ongoing lectures.
2. Essay questions exam (25%) - Final exam (3 hours).
- The student will have to choose four of six essay alternatives.
3. Presentation (20%) - Conference where the students will present their papers and act as speaker and moderator.
- The subject for the presentation will be chosen by early March and discussed with the professor.
- The students must ask questions to the speakers.
- At the end of the conference, each student must provide the professor with a written proof of their work (presentation or paper).
4. Project (30%) - Digital Humanities project.
- Selection of text to be edited with TEI language.
- Download and setup of software.
- Final result.
5. Case studies (5%) - Show the knowledge on compulsory readings, both primary and secondary bibliography.
- Involvement in debate.
6. Project based learning (5%) - Setup of tools needed.
- Planning of project development.
7. Scientific events (5%) - Attendance to conferences chosen by the professor.
- Reports.
8. Lecturing (5%) - Attendance to lectures, practices and mentoring sessions. If any personal or specific situation arises, it must be discussed with the professor.
- Involvement in lecturers where a debate arises; cooperation on the ongoing lectures.
B. Blended learning assessment1. Essay questions exam (30%) - Final exam (3 hours).
- The student will have to choose four of six essay alternatives.
2. Presentation (30%) - Conference where the students will present their papers and act as speaker and moderator.
- The subject for the presentation will be chosen by early March and discussed with the professor.
- The students must ask questions to the speakers.
- At the end of the conference, each student must provide the professor with a written proof of their work (presentation or paper).
- Blended learning students can present online.
3. Project (30%) - Digital Humanities project.
- Selection of text to be edited with TEI language.
- Download and setup of software.
- Final result.
4. Systematic observation (10%) - Mentoring attendance.
- Interest and engagement.
- Compulsory readings reports.
C. Single assessment: essay questions exam- Final exam (3 hours).
- The student will have to choose four of six essay alternatives.
D. July single assessment: essay questions exam- Final exam (3 hours).
- The student will have to choose four of six essay alternatives.