Students must pass both the problem and/or exercise solving and the essay question exam.
Students who take part in the part-time modality will be able to follow the subject through the Virtual Course on the Moodle teleteaching platform, of the University of Vigo, which will allow access to the necessary materials for the acquisition of skills and achievement of learning results. theoretical as well as practical contents.
The teaching methodologies, the evaluation activities will be specified, together with the delivery schedule that will be clearly established. Activities that require attendance will be replaced by others that allow access to the same percentage of the grade. Individual monitoring of student participation through ICT will be done from the platform's own tools (participation, access statistics, conducting tests or online exercises, etc.).
Students must meet the minimum attendance requirements necessary for continuous assessment. He must also attend and take the tests that the teachers have as essential. The follow-up will be carried out through the following resources: Virtual course on the Moodle platform (MooVi, UVigo) and e-mail. Face-to-face teaching: follow-up in the classroom and the computer science seminar of the faculty. Non-contact teaching: Remote Campus (link on MooVi).
Students who take part in the part-time modality will be able to follow the subject through the Virtual Course on the MooVi teleteaching platform, of the University of Vigo, which will allow access to the necessary materials for the acquisition of skills and the achievement of learning results. theoretical as well as practical contents. The use of materials made available to students through MooVi must respect copyright and will be graded with zero any test or exam in which "substantial works are copied from others, giving them as their own" (dle-rae).
For all students will be specified in MooVi teaching methodologies, assessment activities, along with the delivery schedule (face-to-face or remote) that will be clearly established. The individualized monitoring of the participation of each student through the TIC will do from the own tools of the platform (participation, statistics of access, realization of proofs or exercises online, etc.).
Those students who choose to be evaluated through the "global evaluation" modality must notify the teaching staff responsible for the subject within 31 working days from the beginning of each semester (article 19.4 do Regulamento sobre a avaliación, a calificación e a calidade da docencia e do proceso de aprendizaxe do estudantado de la Universidade de Vigo) e will be evaluated on the contents of the study plan through a written test, which will account for 70% of the final grade, and a compulsory work that will represent 30% of this.