Guia docente 2024_25
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial
Grado en Ingeniería en Organización Industrial
  Automation and control fundamentals
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practical It will evaluate each practice of laboratory between 0 and 10 points, in function of the fulfillment of the aims fixed in the billed of the same and of the previous preparation and the attitude of the students. Each practical will be able to have distinct weight in the total note. 20 B3
Essay questions exam Examination of the contents of the matter, that may include problems and exercises, with a punctuation between 0 and 10 points. 40 B3
Essay questions exam Examination of the contents of the matter, that may include problems and exercises, with a punctuation between 0 and 10 points. 40 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

.- Continous Assessment of student's lab practice sessions will be held. Attendance is mandatory. In case the student fails this assessment, he can take lab exam in the 2nd call, provided he or she had passed the written tests. 

- The assessment of the lab work for students who officially renounces Continuous Assessment will be carried out in a lab exam, , provided he or she had passed the written tests.

- For the continuous assessment of the lab work, the student can be required to hand in some previous work before each practice in the laboratory. This previous work can affect the grade.

- In order to pass the subject, the student must pass both tests and lab practice. In case de weighed grade is equal or greater than 5 out of 10 but not all partial grades (written tests and lab work) are equal or greater than 5, the final grade will be 4.5.

- In the written exams it can be set minimum grades on sets of exercises.

- In the second call of the the same course, students should retake the written tests faild in the first call. Same requirements are applied.

- Once the student attends one gradable activity (written exam or lab session) he or she cannot be cosidered "absent" .

- Ethical commitment: student is expected to present an adequate ethical behavior. If you detect unethical behavior (copying, plagiarism, unauthorized use of electronic devices, and another ones), it follows that the student does not meet the requirements for passing the subject. In this case the global qualification in the present academic course will be of suspense (0.0).

- Additional activities, of a voluntary nature, may be proposed that complement the grade calculated based on the criteria expressed above.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000