Guia docente 2024_25
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial
Máster Universitario en Enxeñaría Industrial
  Project Management in Engineering
Topic Sub-topic
1. Conceptual frame of Project Management 1.1. Introduction to Project Management.
1.2. Methodologies applied to Project Management: Agile (SCRUM, LEAN,...) and predictive (IPMA, PMI,...)
1.3. Life cycle of the project and organisation.
2. Traditional or predictive methodologies of
Project Management. PMBok
2.1. Methods of Selection of Projects
2.2. Areas of knowledge: integration, scope, time, costs, quality, RRHH, communication, risks, acquisitions and stakeholders
2.3 Matrix of processes of the PMBOK
3. Phase of start of the Project: utilisation of agile methodologies of Project Management 3.1 Business Model Canvas
3.2 Project Model Canvas
3.3 Project Charter
4. Phase Planning of the Project 4.1 Work breakdown structure (WBS)
4.2 Planning of the project with software
4.2.1 Method of the critical path
4.2.2 Allocation of resource.
4.2.3 Allocation costs
4-2-4 Creation of the base line
5. Phase traking Project 5.1 Traking Gant. Status Date
5.2 Update of projects
5.3 Method earned value
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