Guia docente 2023_24
Facultad de Filología y Traducción
Grado en Filología Aplicada Gallega y Española
  Hispanic literary Fields
Topic Sub-topic
Sources for the study of the literature in Spanish language · Digital tools: libraries, repertoires, *metabuscadores and digital databases · *Pervivencia of subjects, reasons and classical forms in the current literature in Spanish language · Echos and *relecturas of heroes and myths and his recreation in the contemporary audiovisual culture
Main Hispanic literary fields. Panorama and *contextualización Selection of authors and authors, genders and works of the Hispanic literary fields 1. The traditional lyric. *Romancero. Poetry of *cancionero. 2. *Garcilaso Of the Vega. 3. The poetry of *Garcilaso and the *garcilasismo in the Spanish literature. 4. The theatre of the 17th century. 5. The classical theatre in the contemporary literature: The dog of the *hortelano. 6. Poetry of the 17th century: Anthology of *Quevedo, Lope and *Góngora. 7. The reception of the poetry of *Góngora and *Quevedo in the 20th century and XXI 8. Romanticism: Rosalía and Bécquer 9. The romantic literature (tragedy, fatal love) in the cinematographic melodrama 10. Emilia *Pardo *Bazán. Tales 11. The rebellious earl: Feminisms. 12. Valley *Inclán. Lights of *bohemia 13. The heroes in the alley of the Cat. It *grotesco Like aesthetic category. 14. García *Lorca, Poet in New York. 15. New York in the Spanish literature. Ruben Darío, *JRJ, *Lorca, Martín *Gaite, Iron 16. *Plaisirs *et *souffrances. Them *mots *du *corps; Pleasures and suffering. The words of the body 17. *Carnés; Tea *rooms. *Laforet. At all. And Martín *Gaite. Between *visillos 18. *Chefs *et *sommeliers. Them *mots of the *table ; *Chefs and *Sommeliers. The words of the table. 19. Spanish poetry of *postguerra: Gil of *Biedma 20. Them *rythmes *et them *rites. Them *mots *du *temps ; The rhythms and the rites : The words of the time. 21. The narrative of the 21st century. Current novel. 22. *Dedans *et *dehors. Them *mots of *l’*espace ; Inside and it went. The words of the space. 23. Literature Spanish American. Borges. Elena *Garro. 24. *Usages *et *lois *somptuaires. Them *mots of the *mode ; Uses and sumptuary laws. The words of the fashion. 25. *Foi *et *superstitions. Them *mots of *l’*au-*delà/ Faith and superstitions. The words of the further. 26. Narrative current Spanish American. Novel
COMPULSORY READINGS. 1. *Garcilaso Of the Vega. 2. The dog of the *hortelano. 3. Poetry of the 17th century: Anthology of *Quevedo, Lope and *Góngora. 4. Emilia *Pardo *Bazán. Tales 5. Valley *Inclán. Lights of *bohemia 6. García *Lorca, Poet in New York. 7. *Carnés; Tea *rooms. *Laforet. At all. And Martín *Gaite. Between *visillos 8. Spanish poetry of *postguerra: Gil of *Biedma 9. The narrative of the 21st century. List. Current novel. 10. Literature Spanish American. List. Borges. Elena *Garro. 11. Literature current Spanish American: List.
LIST OF PENINSULAR CURRENT LITERATURE 1. *Vagalume, Julio *Llamazares. 2. Small red women, of Marta Sanz. 3. A love, Sara Table. 4. The wonders, of Elena *Medel. 5. Easy reading, of Cristina Moral. 6. *Ordesa, of Manuel *Vilas. 7. The ridiculous idea of not going back to see you, of Rosa Montero. 8. Panza of donkey, of Andrea *Abreu. 9. *Rewind, of Juan *Tallón. 10. Red chalk, of Isaac Rosa. 11. Castles of fire, Ignacio Martínez of *Pisón 12. The lady Potter is not exactly saint Claus, Laura Fernández 13. To open heart, Elvira Beautiful 14. They say the symptoms, of Bárbara *Blasco. 15. Fine rain, of Luis *Landero.
LIST OF LITERATURE CURRENT SPANISH AMERICAN *Garro, Elena, The memories of the come from, *Alfaguara, 2019 *Schweblin, Samanta, *Kentukis, *Random *House, 2018 *Bombal, María Luisa, The shrouded, *Seix *Barral, 2001 *Zambra, Alejandro, Chilean Poet, Anagram, 2020 Fernández, *Nona, The unknown dimension, *Random *House, 2017 Fernández, *Nona, *Mapocho, *Candaya, 2011 *Chaves, Luis, Go to touch the water, The three editors, 2021 *Boullosa, Carmen, The plot of the *rojmánticos, *Siruela, 2009 *Luiselli, Valeria, audible Desert, Sixth Flat, 2019 *Lemebel, Pedro, Have fear *torero, The outskirts, 2001 Navarro, Brenda, empty Houses, Sixth flat, 2019 *Bolaño, Roberto, Nocturnal of Chile, Anagram, 2000 *Bolaño, Roberto, The wild detectives, Anagram, 1998 *Almada, Selva, dead Girls, *Random *House, 2014 *Padura, Leonardo, THE man that loved to the dogs, Anagram, 2018 Quintana, Pilar, The dog, *Random *House, 2017 *Ojeda, Mónica, Jaw, *Candaya, 2018 *Páxina *Enríquez, Mariana, Our part of night, Anagram, 2019 *WIener, Gabriela, *Huaco portrait, *Random *House, 2021 *Luiselli, Valeria, The *ingrávidos, Sixth Flat, 2011 *Poniatowska, Elena, Leonora, *Seix *Barral, 2011
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