Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Bioloxía
Máster Universitario en Genómica y Genética

1st Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
V02M173V01101 Introduction to programming and bioinformatic data analysis 1st
Mandatory 3
V02M173V01102 Quantitative genetics 1st
Mandatory 3
V02M173V01103 Epigenetics 1st
Mandatory 3
V02M173V01104 Genomic analysis 1st
Mandatory 3
V02M173V01107 Genetic analysis techniques 1st
Mandatory 3
V02M173V01108 Genetic traceability 1st
Optional 3
V02M173V01109 Conservation Genetics 1st
Optional 3
V02M173V01110 Immunology and genomic 1st
Optional 3
V02M173V01111 Plant genetic diversity and its microbiota 1st
Optional 3
V02M173V01112 Plant genetics of development 1st
Optional 3
V02M173V01113 Molecular evolution 1st
Optional 3
V02M173V01114 Simulation of genetic processes in computer 1st
Optional 3
V02M173V01116 Molecular diagnosis of diseases and pests of cultivated plant species 1st
Optional 3
V02M173V01118 Applied Biochemistry 1st
Optional 3
V02M173V01119 Basis of human xennetic diseases 1st
Optional 3
V02M173V01120 Cancer genomics 1st
Optional 3
V02M173V01121 Stem cells in cancer and aging 1st
Optional 3
V02M173V01123 Genetics of human populations 1st
Optional 3
V02M173V01124 Clinical genetics 1st
Optional 3
V02M173V01125 Modeling and evolution of the immune response in vertebrates 1st
Optional 3
V02M173V01126 Molecular epidemiology of animal diseases 1st
Optional 3
V02M173V01127 Bioactive compounds in plants and their genetics 1st
Optional 3
V02M173V01122 Animal models applied to human research 2nd
Optional 3
V02M173V01201 The scientific method in experimental sciences 2nd
Mandatory 3
V02M173V01202 Model Organisms 2nd
Mandatory 3
V02M173V01203 Internships 2nd
Mandatory 9
V02M173V01204 Master Thesis 2nd
Mandatory 15
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000