Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias Xurídicas e do Traballo
Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos
  Strategic business management
Topic Sub-topic
Introduction to strategic management Basic elements of the strategic management: concept, component, levels
Phases of the strategic process
Evolution of the management in the company
Towards an integrated vision of strategic management

Mission, Vision and objectives Mission
External analysis Concept and typology of environment
Analysis of the present general environment and future
Delimitation of the specific environment
Analysis of the industry structure
Market segmentation: strategic groups
Internal analysis The internal diagnostic of the company
Analysis by comparison with competitors
Value chain
SWOT analysis
The Resource and Capabilities View
Competitive strategy: Cost leadership and differentiation Strategy and competitive advantage
The cost advantage
The differentiation advantage
Stuck in the middle
The strategic clock
Corporative strategy: Directions and methods of development The corporate strategy
Determination of the field of activity of the company
The expansion strategy
The diversification strategy
Methods of development
The diversification strategy Related and unrelated diversification strategy
Vertical integration Concept of vertical integration
Reasons for the vertical integration
Towards quasi-vertical integration
Cooperation strategy Concept of cooperation
Types of strategic alliances
Internationalization strategy The multinational company
Strategies for entering external markets
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