Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Máster Universitario en Enxeñaría Industrial
  Project Management in Engineering
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Presentation At the end of the course, each group will present their project. The presentation and content will be evaluated, as well as responses to questions asked by the teacher or other students.

Learning outcomes: Knowledge of the legal framework and responsibilities arising from Industrial Engineering project activity. The ability to dynamically manage all relevant aspects of the life cycle of a project: specifications, design, resources, value, risk, quality, sustainability, etc. The ability to develop, propose, and evaluate alternative solutions in the market for optimizing engineering projects in multi-project environments.
20 A4
Objective questions exam At the end of the course, there will be an exam consisting of a short answer and/or development test and/or problem-solving.

Learning outcomes: Knowledge of the legal framework and responsibilities arising from Industrial Engineering project activity. The ability to dynamically manage all relevant aspects of the life cycle of a project: specifications, design, resources, value, risk, quality, sustainability, etc. The ability to develop, propose, and evaluate alternative solutions in the market for optimizing engineering projects in multi-project environments.
40 A2
Report of practices, practicum and external practices The classroom work is a project to be carried out in a group that will go
developing throughout the course in the classroom and complemented by work
of the group outside the classroom.
The number of members that constitute the group will be fixed at the beginning of the course with the
Learning outcomes: Knowledge of the legal framework and responsibilities
derived from the project activity of Industrial Engineering.
Ability to dynamically manage all relevant aspects of the
Life cycle of a project: specifications, design, resources, value, risk,
quality, sustainability, etc.
Ability to develop, propose and evaluate alternative solutions in the
Market for the optimization of engineering projects in environments
40 A1
Other comments on the Evaluation
Students, to be able to pass the subject both in first and second chance, can opt for continuous evaluation or global evaluation. Once one month has passed since the start of classes, students can communicate in writing to the teaching staff their resignation from the continuous evaluation and opt for the global evaluation.
  • Reports of practices (deliverables) carried out throughout the course will have a value of 4 in the final grade.
  • The written test has a value of 4 in the final grade.
  • The final presentation and the content of the project will have a value of 2 in the final grade.

To be able to pass the continuous assessment, each part must be passed with a minimum of 4 points.

Students who opt for global evaluation will take the final exam on the corresponding date set by the school's management. The exam will cover both theoretical class content and practical content.

The official exam calendar will be published on the school's official website.

Ethical commitment: Students are expected to present appropriate ethical behavior. In case of detecting unethical behavior (copying, plagiarism, use of unauthorized electronic devices, and others), it is considered that the student does not meet the necessary requirements to pass the subject. In this case, the global grade for the current academic year will be a fail (0.0).

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