Guia docente 2023_24
Facultad de Filología y Traducción
Grado en Lenguas Extranjeras
  Analysis of written/oral texts in the first foreign language: English
   Contingency plan
All the teaching methodologies and the usual evaluation system of regular teaching will be maintained. In case of cancellation or reduction of live classes, supplementary teaching materials will be uploaded to FAITIC to enable self-study of units in the absence of live teaching (exercises, comments, guided extracts, audiovisual recordings of masterclasses, etc). In this event, evaluation of class participation (20% of the note) will be estimated by analogous participation in discussion forums, and/or chats on specific topics.

In front of the uncertain and unpredictable evolution of the sanitary alert caused by the **COVID- 19, the University establishes an extraordinary planning that will activate in the moment in that the administrations and the own institution determine it attending to criteria of security, health and responsibility, and guaranteeing the teaching in a no face-to-face stage or no totally face-to-face. These already scheduled measures guarantee, in the moment that was prescriptive, the development of the teaching of a way but agile and effective when being known in advance (or with a wide *antelación) by the students and the *profesorado through the tool normalised and institutionalised of the educational guides **DOCNET.

* educational Methodologies that keep

* educational Methodologies that modify

* Mechanism no face-to-face of attention to the students (**titorías)

* Modifications ( proceed) of the contents to give

* additional Bibliography to facilitate to car-learning

* Other modifications

* Test already made
Proof *XX: [previous Weight 00%] [Weight Proposed 00%]

* Pending proofs that keep
Proof *XX: [previous Weight 00%] [Weight Proposed 00%]

* Proofs that modify
[previous Proof] =&*amp;**gt; [new Proof]

* New test

* additional Information
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000