Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Minas e Enerxía
Máster Universitario en Gestión sostenible del agua
 Training and Learning Results

Choose A Code Training and Learning Results
Choose B Code Knowledge
  B1 Describe the principles, concepts and dimensions that comprise the integrated management of water resources, and its role as a key tool to achieve water security and advance in the achievement of the associated SDGs. Identify problems related to the development, use and access to water. Identify and compare the legislation on water, at the European, state, regional and local level, as well as interpret the conceptual frameworks on sustainable development and its application to the field of water, with a specific focus on the SDGs. Provide the tools to explain the economy of water. List the aspects of public taxation that may be relevant in water management.
  B2 Identify the different urban systems with a direct or indirect link with water. Outline their interrelationships and apply an ecosystemic and interdisciplinary vision. Recognize the various sources of water supply, the implications of its use and its implications in the degradation of the natural environment, as well as its recycling and reuse possibilities. Identify and explain the keys to the integration of the circular economy in the urban water system. Explain what are the usual tools for the conceptualization of systems linked to urban water. Review current trends on nature-based solutions for urban stormwater management. Interpret the territory to defend more or less centralized or decentralized solutions in urban water management in areas with dispersed population and economic activities.
  B3 Explain the bases of the chemistry, biology and morphology of continental aquatic ecosystems. Provide the common EU methodology to assess the state of water masses, and its adaptation to different territorial areas. Identify models to assess pressures and impacts on water masses, understanding their opportunities and limitations. Indicate solutions for the maintenance and improvement of the state of the water masses in their different quality elements. Identify bioindicators.
  B4 Enumerate water treatment systems, both for supplying water to populations or industries, as well as for purification and subsequent restitution to natural environments and reuse of regenerated water. Identify and describe emerging challenges in water treatment.
  B5 Describe the fundamentals on the evaluation of water resources and the main tools for hydrological planning, based on the Water Framework Directive, legislation and global frameworks on water resource allocation, including the environmental component. Demonstrate that ecosystem services linked to water have a high added value and that nature-based solutions allow a sustainable approach to resource management.
  B6 Indicate which are the risks linked to water, with a special incidence in floods, and also in droughts. Provide information on legislation and technology available to manage hydrological risk.
  B7 Demonstrate through specific cases that geographic information systems (GIS) are a basic tool in water management, applied to the management of water resources. Explain the basic and advanced functionalities of GIS for the preparation, analysis and interpretation of geospatial information of hydrological interest.
  B8 Recognize the main tools for managing hydrological data and those related to water management, and how the data can be used for decision-making, through methods based on statistical concepts or artificial intelligence.
Choose C Code Skill
  C1 Use and compare water legislation and conceptual frameworks for sustainable development. Operate with tools that make it possible to estimate the economic variables (macro and micro) linked to water, and use the tools to apply adequate taxation and cost policy to water.
  C2 Build conceptual models of the urban water system, through the interaction of the different subsystems and applying the appropriate singularities derived from urban planning and territorial planning. Develop strategies for the implementation of nature-based solutions.
  C3 Select and operate innovative treatment systems adapted to different realities, geographical environments and quality requirements, including emerging challenges and the application of green or nature-based treatments. Experiment with pilot water treatment systems.
  C4 Analyze the Water Framework Directive and the EU Flood Directive, its technical implications and its application, through hydrological planning. Use computer tools to solve problems related to water management, within the framework of both directives. Develop measurements and analysis of data of hydrological interest and linked to the state of water masses. Evaluate the effect of urban use on its hydrographic basin and analyze the consequences of the discharge of water (treated or not) towards the receiving water masses, as well as develop protection strategies for the areas of surface and groundwater generation in the basins, under the principle of recognition and empowerment of ecosystem services.
  C5 Use geographic information systems (GIS) for the treatment and elaboration of geospatial data. Handle GIS tools, statistical tools and tools based on artificial intelligence for the analysis of data related to water management.
Choose D Code Competences
  D1 Validate, judge and adapt water legislation for a specific situation. Synthesize the economic variables involved in a problem related to water management. Adapt conceptual frameworks, particularly the SDGs, to a specific problem.
  D2 Integrate all urban water systems in a global planning framework, in an entire area. Evaluate its performance and optimize it. Compare different types of solutions, including those suitable for sparse nuclei and those based on nature.
  D3 Evaluate the performance and suitability of various water treatment proposals. Compare different alternatives. Integrate expert judgment in planning water treatment systems, considering emerging challenges and green solutions.
  D4 Integrate the different sources that generate the water supply, and the uses that generate the demand, in systems or balances that allow adequate management. Plan water resources at the macro and micro scale, assigning water to different uses, integrating environmental and social demands.
  D5 Evaluate the effect of floods and droughts and propose strategies to alleviate them, in accordance with the legislation, applying new technologies. Propose sustainable and socially acceptable solutions.
  D6 Integrate different sources of data in decision frameworks that allow better management of water resources.
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