Acquire the necessary knowledge to address comprehensive projects that have to design and plan different types of facilities that are safe, efficient and compliant with standards and marked in legislation.
A2 A3
C1 C5 C7 C8 C27 C31
D1 D3 D4 D7 D11
English preparation and presentation of multidisciplinary works related to the powers of this matter, and the use and management of national and international regulations and legislation.
A2 A3
C1 C5 C7 C8 C27 C31
D1 D3 D4 D7 D11
Universidade de Vigo
Rectorado |
Campus Universitario |
C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) |
España |
Tlf: +34 986 812 000