The *temario that appears in the section of contents constitutes
a *versiÃ�*n *resumida of the lessons that beÃ*n object of examination.Conveniently, to the beginning of the
course *acadÃ�*mico, him provideà to the students a *temario *mÃ*s detailed with
the *ep�*grafes that conform each *lecci�*n. FIRST OPPORTUNITY OF
EXAMINATION: 1.-*Seg�*n Establishes in
the Regulation of *Evaluaci�*n, the *calificaci�*n and the quality of the teaching and of the
process of learning of the *estudiantado (approved by the *Claustro of
the University of Vigo on 18 April 2023), the/the student/to have toà manifest
his *intenci�*n of not to receive to the system of *evaluaci�*n continuous according to the
procedure and in the date established by the �*rganos competent of the
Centre. 2.- The/the student/to that receive
to the system of *evaluaci�*n continuous beà evaluated according to the following
criteria: 1*�) First partial proof, that makeà to half of *cuatrimestre
(40%), 2*�) Second partial proof, that makeà at the end of the *cuatrimestre
(40%), 3*�) regular Assistance, *participaci�*n active in class and activities
organised by the �*rea of Financial Right and *Tributario (20%). To the effects
to be able to make this �*ltima *evaluaci�*n controlà the assistance to class. The two partial proofs written
are compulsory, stateÃ*n of a part *prÃ*ctica and another youÃ�rich, made
both in *perÃ�*odo *lectivo. The part *prÃ*ctica of each one of the two proofs
*supondrà 20%, whereas the part you�rich of each one of the two proofs
*supondrà 80% of the *calificaci�*n. Each one of these two partial proofs is
*liberatoria whenever the/the student/to scope a *calificaci�*n *m�*nima of 5
on 10, so that #prpers having surpassed both proofs not beingà forced to
make the examination or final proof, like requirement to surpass the matter. The students that voluntarily participate in activities of learning-service, in the frame of the *evaluaci�*n continuous, beà evaluated to *trav�*s of a *dictamen of the activity delivered before the *realizaci�*n of the final proof with a *calificaci�*n that integrateà inside 20% of the note reserved to assistance and *participaci�*n. The *aplicaci�*n of this *metodolog�to *està conditioned to the *aprobaci�*n of the Project *ApS in the respective course *acad�*mico. 3.- The/the students/ace of
*evaluaci�*n global: his *calificaci�*n beà integrated by 70% of
the *calificaci�*n obtained in the examination you�rich writing and 30% of the *calificaci�*n
obtained in the examination *prÃ*ctico writing, being both different to the that make
the/the students/ace of *evaluaciÃ�*n continuous, in which him evaluateÃ*n of
all the competitions. 4.- The
final examination makeà in the date, place and hour
specified in the official calendar approved to such effect by the Board of
Faculty for the course *acad�*mico 2023/2024. Likewise, the/the students/ace
that ace� wish it can opt by the *exa*men you�rich
oral. Have toÃ*n communicate it to the coordinator/to of the matter the same *dÃ�to, before the
examination. The
note of the final examination beà the sum of the notes obtained *seg�*n the criteria and
percentages previously established. -Students that follow the system
*evaluaci�*n continuous: The/the student/to *tendrà that make, of compulsory form,
a corresponding final examination to the matter that have not surpassed in one or in
both proofs of *evaluaci�*n continuous made along the *cuatrimestre. The
final examination *tendrà two parts: a proof you�rich (that *podrà be written or
oral, to *elecci�*n of the students, and that representà 80% of the *calificaci�*n), and
a proof *prÃ*ctica (that *supondrà 20% of the *calificaciÃ�*n). To surpass the
matter is necessary that the students obtain, as *m�*nimo, a *calificaci�*n of
4 on 10 in said final examination. Likewise, to this final examination
*podrà *concurrir the students that have surpassed the two proofs of *evaluaci�*n
continuous made during the *cuatrimestre in case that it wish to go up note. -Students with *evaluaci�*n global:
his *calificaci�*n beà integrated by 70% of the *calificaci�*n obtained in
the examination you�rich (that *podrà be oral or writing to *elecci�*n of the students) and 30%
of the *calificaciÃ�*n obtained in the examination *prÃ*ctico writing, being both
different to the that make the/the students/ace of *evaluaci�*n continuous. SECOND OPPORTUNITY OF EXAMINATION: 1.- In the examination of June/July,
the/the student/to that *acogiÃ� to the system of *evaluaciÃ�*n continuous *sÃ�the makeÃ
a final proof, that representà 80% of his *calificaci�*n final, and that
stateà of two parts: a *prÃ*ctica written (in which resolveà one or
several cases *prÃ*cticos, and that *supondrà 20% of the *calificaciÃ�*n
corresponding to the final proof) and one you�rich -that *podrà written or oral to
*elecciÃ�*n of the students- (in which formulateÃ*n distinct questions on
the *temario of the matter, and that *supondrà 80% of the *calificaci�*n corresponding
to the final proof). Anyway, the/the student/to have toà reach a *calificaci�*n
*m�*nima of 4 on 10 in the final proof so that they take him into account
the qualifications obtained by regular assistance, *participaci�*n active
in class and activities organised by the �*rea of Financial Right and
*Tributario (20%). Of not reaching this note *m�*nima, the *calificaci�*n that
reflectà in the record beà the obtained in the final examination. 2.- The/ace students/ace that subjected
to the system of *evaluaciÃ�*n continuous conserveÃ*n, exclusively for
the second opportunity of examination, the note that had obtained by regular
assistance and *participaci�*n active. 3.- For the/ace students/ace of
*evaluaci�*n global, his *calificaci�*n final beà integrated by 70% of
the *calificaci�*n obtained in the examination you�rich -that *podrà be written or oral to
*elecci�*n of the students, after communicating it to the coordinator/to of the matter the same
*d�to, before the examination- and 30% of the *calificaci�*n obtained in the examination
*prÃ*ctico writing, being both different to the that make the/ace students/ace of
*evaluaci�*n continuous. 4.- The final proof, so much for
the/the students/ace of *evaluaci�*n continuous as of *evaluaci�*n global,
makeà in the date, place and hour specified in the official calendar
approved to such effect by the Board of Faculty for the course *acad�*mico
2023/2024. Likewise, the/the students/ace that ace� wish it can opt of
voluntary form by the examination youÃ�rich oral. Have toÃ*n communicate it to the/the
coordinator to the coordinator or coordinator of the matter the same *d�to before the
final note beà integrated by 70% of the *calificaci�*n obtained in the examination
youÃ�rich and 30% of the *calificaciÃ�*n obtained in the examination *prÃ*ctico, both
writings. The examination of End of Career
makeà in the date, place and hour specified in the official calendar
approved to such effect by the Board of Faculty. WARNING *ESPEC�*FICA FOR THE/ACE
The examination stateà of two parts (*prÃ*ctica and youÃ�rich) and beà exclusively
The dates and schedules of the different opportunities of examination are the
specified in the calendar of proofs of *evaluaci�*n approved by the Board
of Faculty for the course *acad�*mico 2023/2024.