1.- In accordance with the Evaluation
Regulation of the University of Vigo, students must communicate their choice
not to use the continuous evaluation system in accordance with the procedure
and on the date established by the Faculty. Just in case the Faculty does not
determine a specific date, it will be indicated by the teachers on the first
day of class.
2.- Students who follow the continuous
assessment system will be evaluated according to the following criteria: 1) Presentation on a specific topic integrated into the first
part of the subject, it will be in the middle of the semester (30%), 2) Test
exam at the end of the semester (30%), 3) Regular attendance, active
participation in class and attendance at other possible activities organized by
the Financial and Tax Law Group (40% of the total value of the final grade). In
order to determine this last evaluation, class attendance and active
participation will be controlled.
3.- Students who follow the global assessment:
their grade will be the result of a final written exam and it will be different
from the continuous evaluation exam. In this global assessment exam students
will be evaluated on all competencies.
4.- For all students, the final exam will be
held on the date, place and time specified in the official calendar approved
for this purpose by the faculty for the 2024/2025 academic year.
FINAL CALL (the following academic year):
The final grade will be the grade obtained on a
written exam.
This exam will be on the date, place and time specified
in the official calendar approved by the Faculty. |