Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Máster Universitario en Estudios Ingleses Avanzados y sus Aplicaciones
  Linguistic Research Methods and Resources and their Application to the English Language
Topic Sub-topic
1. Literature research and resources for linguistic research. How to search databases, catalogues etc. Introduction to main websites, software, AI, reference grammars and dictionaries, etc. Approaches to the Literature Review.
2. Research questions and research outline. Types of research questions and hypotheses. How to elaborate a research proposal. Overview of quantitative and qualitative methods for linguistic research.
3. Data collection methods and research ethics. Variety of methods in linguistic research: corpora, grammaticality judgements, elicitation, surveys and experiments.
The ethics of research.
4. Referencing and writing conventions in linguistics. How to cite references in linguistic research. Use of notational conventions. Academic malpractice and how to avoid it: plagiarism, collusion, fabrication of results, etc.
5. The process of writing a research paper / dissertation. Advice on planning, preparation of an abstract, structure, drafting, revising, etc.
Sections in a paper / dissertation: Introduction, Background, Data & Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion
6. Presentation of your research. Advice on the preparation of different modes of presentation of research: oral presentations, posters, handouts, etc.
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