Gile, Daniel, Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training, John Benjamins,
VVAA, Interpreter Training Resources (,,
Gillies, Andrew, Note-Taking for Consecutive Interpreting-A Short Course, St. Jerome,
Bibliografía Complementaria
Bowen, David & Bowen, Margaretta, Steps to Consecutive Interpretation, Pen and Booth,
Ilg, Gerard and Sylvie Lambert, ‘Teaching Consecutive Interpreting’, Interpreting, Vol. 1(1) [69-99], Interpreting (revista),
Iliescu Gheorgiu, Catalina, Introducción a la interpretación. La modalidad consecutiva, Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante,
Rozan, J.F., La prise de notes en interprétation consécutive, Librairie de l’Université Georg,
Universidade de Vigo
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