Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Historia
Máster Universitario en Valoración, Gestión y Protección del Patrimonio Cultural
  CAD Techniques to Present Heritage
Topic Sub-topic
Introduction to CAD representation - Concept of drawing and drawing to scale.
- Standardization in the edition of plans: formats, folding, scale, drawing area, labeling, lines..
Representation systems - Fundamentals of representation systems: Dihedral, Dimensioned Plans, Axonometric, Conical.
- Interpretation of pieces in isometric; obtaining views; basics of dimension
- Reading and interpretation of plans in System of Dimensioned Plans
CAD software - Fundamentals: interface, formats, units and drawing spaces
- Tools for CAD delineation and assistance with drawing
- Creation of texts in CAD
- Introduction and scaling of orthophotos in CAD
- Tools for editing plans: work with graphic windows. Printing in CAD.
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