Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias
Grado en Ciencias Ambientales
  Environmental physics
Topic Sub-topic
Subject 1. Previous concepts. 1.1. The Earth like global system
1.2. The atmosphere
1.3 Comparison between the properties of the atmosphere and of the ocean
1.4. The ocean
1.5. Latent heat
1.6. Transfer of thermal energy
Subject 2. Electromagnetic spectrum 2.1. Definition
2.2. Rank
2.3. Origin of the electromagnetic radiations
2.4. Types of radiation
Subject 3. Energetic balance of the Earth 3.1. Introduction
3.2. Radiation issued by the Sun
3.3. Radiation incident and reflected
3.4. Greenhouse Effect
3.5. Energetic balance of the Earth
3.6. Variations in the solar radiation
3.7. Energetic balance of the ocean
Subject 4. Waves 4.1. Classification
4.2. Training
4.3. Characteristics
4.4. Spectral analysis
4.5. Propagation
4.6. Refraction
4.7. Diffraction
4.8. Reflection
4.9. Break
4.10. Interaction with structures
4.11. Energy of the wave. Potential for the generation of energy.
Subject 5. Environmental acoustics 5.1. Audible waves
5.2. The wave movement
5.3. The noise
5.4. The audible perception
5.5. Propagation of the sound
5.6. Propagation of the environmental noise
5.7. Rule on noise
6. Environmental radioactivity 6.1. The environmental radioactivity
6.2. Basic foundations of radioactivity
6.3. Nuclear organisations
6.4. Nuclear installations
6.5. ¿It is the nuclear energy a renewable energy?
6.6. Radioactive pollution
6.7. Measures of protection
6.8. Prevention
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