Guia docente 2024_25
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial
Grado en Ingeniería en Organización Industrial
  Mathematics: Algebra and statistics
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Problem and/or exercise solving CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT (CA). Students who wish to take part in continuous assessment will have continuous assessment tests throughout the term.
*** In Algebra, there will be three CA tests with the weights on the final grade of Algebra indicated: 2 partial exam(15% each test) to be held in the weeks scheduled by the Centre for the practices of the first term, and a third global exam (all subject contents) that will take place on the date of the exam of the global assessment option. In addition, 10% of the final mark in Algebra will correspond to class work and exercises.
*** In Statistics, there will be two CA tests with the weights on the final Statistics grade indicated: the first one for topics 1 and 2 (20%) to be taken upon completion of these topics, and the second one will be global (80%) and will take place on the date of the exam of the global assessment option.

GLOBAL ASSESSMENT (GA). Students who wish to take the GA will only have a final exam in Algebra and another in Statistics at the end of the term, which will include the whole subject.
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Other comments on the Evaluation

Continuous Evaluation vs. Global
. Students must choose between the Continuous Assessment (CA)
and Global Assessment (GA) systems before the deadline established by the

Assessment 1st Opportunity. At
the end of the term, once the continuous or global assessment exams have been
completed, the student will have a grade out of 10 points for Algebra (A) and a
grade out of 10 points for Statistics (S), which will represent 100% of the
grade for each part. The final grade of the subject will be calculated as

  • If both
    grades A and S are greater 0 equal to 3.5, then the final grade will be

  • If either
    grade A or S is less than 3.5, then the final grade will be the minimum of
    the amounts (A+S)/2 and 4.5.

A student will be given the grade of no-show if he/she does not sit
for any of the CA or GA exams of the two parts of the subject after the
deadline established by the center to decide between CA or GA; if, after that
deadline, he/she sits for any test that corresponds to him/her according to
that decision, he/she will be considered to have sat for it.

Assessment 2nd Opportunity.
The evaluation of the students in the second edition of the minutes will be
carried out by means of an exam of Algebra and another one of Statistics that
will suppose 100% of the final grade of each part. To calculate the final grade
of the subject the procedure described above will be applied. If at the end of
the term (first edition of minutes) a student obtains a grade higher or equal
to 5 points (out of 10) in one of the parts (Algebra or Statistics) then, in
the second edition, he/she will be able to skip the final exam of that part and
keep the grade obtained in the first edition.

Ethical commitment: The
student is expected to present an appropriate ethical behaviour. In the case of
detecting unethical behaviour (copying, plagiarism, use of unauthorized
electronic devices, and others) it will be considered that the student does not
meet the necessary requirements to pass the subject. In this case the overall
grade for the current academic year will be a failing grade (0.0).

The use of any electronic device will not be allowed during the
evaluation tests unless expressly authorized.

The fact of introducing an unauthorized electronic device in the
exam room will be considered a reason for not passing the subject in the
current academic year and the overall grade will be a fail (0.0). 

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000