Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Minas e Enerxía
Grado en Ingeniería de los Recursos Mineros y Energéticos
  GIS and land management
Topic Sub-topic
*UT1 Projections and systems of reference. Geodesy. *UD1 Projections and systems of reference. Geodesy
*UT2Sources of capture of information for the preparation of maps *UD1. Sources of data *geoespaciales and access to the information *UD2. Systems of navigation and measurements *GNSS. *UD3. Photogrammetry and lifting *fotogramétrico.
*UT3.Systems of Geographic Information *UD1. Cartographic representation: symbols and types of data. *UD2. Methods and processes of the territorial analysis in the systems of geographic information (*SIG). *UD3. *SIG For the evaluation *multicriterio and *multiobjetivo. *UD4. *SIG For the *geoprocesamiento of information *multimodal.
*UT4 The ordination of the territory and his relation with the environment *UD1. Ordination of the territory and *minería sustainable. *UD2. Planning and territorial management. Planning *urbanística and integral. Stages. *UD3. The systems of geographic information in the ordination of the territory.
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