Presentation |
Content exposure by the students to the teacher and/or a group of students on a topic of relevance about the contents or the obtained results from a task, exercise, project... It can be carried out individually or in a group. |
30 |
B3 B4
Report of practices, practicum and external practices |
Preparation of a report by the students in which the characteristics of the assigned work will be reflected. Students must describe the tasks and developed protocol, show the obtained results or observations made, as well as the procedure followed for data analysis and treatment. |
30 |
B1 B3 B4 B5
Systematic observation |
Attentive, rational, planned and systematic perception to describe and record the attitude/aptitute of the student. |
10 |
D1 D3
The subject surpasses when obtaining a mark equal or upper to 5 points (on 10 points), obtained of the following form: a) Continuous evaluation, practices of laboratory (30%) and oral expositions (30%), mandatory with minimum assistance of 80%; b) Global evaluation, proof of short answer (30%) and systematic observation (10%) c) Second opportunity, only reevaluation of methodoly/proofs considered non apt. |