Guia docente 2024_25
Facultad de Filología y Traducción
Grado en Lenguas Extranjeras
  Pronunciación del primer idioma extranjero: Inglés
Tema Subtema
1. Introduction 1.1. From sound to utterance
1.2. Phonetics versus Phonology
1.3. Phonetic transcriptions
2. Articulatory Phonetics 2.1. The production of speech
2.2. Organs of speech
3. The English consonant system 3.1. Inventory of consonant phonemes
3.2. Description of consonant phonemes
3.3. Classification of consonant phonemes in terms of features
3.4. Orthographic representation
4. The English vowel system 4.1. Cardinal vowels
4.2. Inventory of vowel phonemes
4.3. Description of vowel phonemes
4.4. Classification of vowel phonemes in terms of features
4.5. Orthographic representation
4.6. Major pronunciation varieties: GB vs. GA
5. English syllable structure 5.1. Monosyllabic words
5.2. Polysyllabic words
5.3. Syllabification
6. Phonotactics 6.1. Onset phonotactics
6.2. Rhyme phonotactics
7. Allophony 7.1. Principles of allophony
7.2. English allophones
7.3. Rules of allophonic change
8. Phonological processes in speech 8.1. Reduction
8.2. Assimilation
8.3. Elision
8.4. Linking
9. Stress and rhythm 9.1. Stress rules
9.2. Stress timing vs. syllable timing
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