Guia docente 2024_25
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte
  Teaching of the teaching-learning processes in physical activity and sport 1
Topic Sub-topic
1. Theoretical foundation of the Didactics of the teaching-learning processes through physical activity and sport. 1.1. The didactics.

1.2. The teaching-learning processes through physical activity and sport.
2. Basic elements in the programming of the teaching-learning processes through physical activity and sport.
3. The coherence in the didactic programming.
4. Programming of the teaching-learning processes through physical activity and sport in the third level of specification or short-term programming. The programming units.
2.1. Programming concept.

2.2. Programming models.

2.3. Programming features.

2.4. Components of programming.

3.1. Ecological conception of E-A processes in physical activity and sport.

4.1. Short-term programming.
5. Models for intervention through physical activity and sport in the elements present in the third level of specificity or short-term programming. 5.1. Objectives
5.1.1. Teaching tasks linked to the objectives
5.2. Content. Types of content

5.2.1. Content in education through motor skills
5.2.2. Teaching tasks linked to the content
5.3. Methodology of the teaching-learning processes in physical activity and sports

5.3.1. Concepts and elements
5.3.2. Practice methods
5.3.3. Methods for organizing the session
5.3.4. Methods for spatial and material organization
5.3.5. Methods for forming and distributing groups

5.4. Methods for managing discipline
6. The didactic task. 6.1. The didactic task.

6.2. Method of presentation of the task.

6.3. Formulation of tasks.

6.4. Didactic analysis of the driving tasks.
7. Skills of the/the @docente in the processes of teaching-learning through the physical activity and the sport. 7.1. Reflexive practice.

7.2. Collaborative learning.

7.3. Skills of communication.

7.4. Feedback.
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