Guia docente 2024_25
Facultad de Bellas Artes
Grado en Bellas Artes
  Images in motion
Topic Sub-topic
The photographic device and the catchment of the instant. Experiences **precinematográficas. You scheme *them to draw.
Approximation to the audiovisual language Models ****fílmicos and ways of representation.
Bases of the language Units of language: The plane, the sequence, the movement of camera.
The experimental speech Approximation to the audiovisual language.
The ***guion, the rhythm and the setting Experimental cinema/animation/****videoarte/****flipbooks.
Principles of the animation Basic concepts and **tipoloxias of the animation
The digital image Tools and systems of capture and generation of image.
Technical means for the basic animation Season ***Photoshop or ***Gimp (basic tools to build an animation and export it). Final ***Cut, ***Davinci *Resolves, Season **Premier ( basic tools of animation and edition ***videográfica and ***sonorización)
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