Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Historia
Máster Universitario en Valoración, Gestión y Protección del Patrimonio Cultural
  Concept and Categories of Cultural Heritage
Topic Sub-topic
The concept of Cultural Heritage Origins and evolution from the 19th century (National Heritage).
Essential shots in the actuality.
General categories in which it classifies (Natural/Cultural; Immaterial/Material; Mobile/Not mobile).
The Natural Heritage Definition and own and singular characteristics.
Origins and evolution of the concept until the actuality.
General strategies of conservation and intervention.
The obvious interaction with the action *antrópica: Landscapes, Territories.
Emergent heritages related: geological and miner, paleontological, etc.
The Cultural Heritage General classification according to the rules and conventions: Historical/Artistic, Archaeologic, Ethnographic, Bibliographic and Documentary.
Characteristics and own peculiarities of each category.
General strategies of conservation and intervention.
Emergent heritages related (scientific/technician, industrial, etc.).
The specific case of the Immaterial Cultural Heritage Definition, characteristic and evolution of the concept until the actuality.
Relations and interactions with the material heritages.
Heritage Categories The changing and diffuse borders between the diverse heritage types and categories.
Juridical definitions and epistemological concepts.
Heritages consolidated and emergent heritages. The integral heritages.
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