Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Name of qualification in original language
 Training and Learning Results

Choose A Code Training and Learning Results
  A1 Students will have shown they have sufficient knowledge and understanding of an area of study, starting after completion of general secondary education, and normally reaching a level of proficiency that, being mostly based on advanced textbooks, will also include familiarity with some cutting-edge developments within the relevant field of study.
  A2 Students will be able to apply their knowledge and skills in their professional practice or vocation and they will show they have the required expertise through the construction and discussion of arguments and the resolution of problems within the relevant area of study.
  A3 Students will be able to gather and interpret relevant data (normally within their field of study) that will allow them to have a reflection-based considered opinion on important issues of social, scientific and ethical nature.
  A4 Students will be able to present information, ideas, problems and solutions both to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  A5 Students will acquire the learning skills that are required to pursue further studies with a high degree of independence.
Choose B Code Knowledge
Choose C Code Skill
  C1 Mastery of foreign languages.
  C2 Knowledge of foreign cultures and civilizations.
  C3 Mastery of one’s own language, both orally and in writing.
  C4 To know the language norms and use of the working languages.
  C5 Mastery of terminological and neological techniques for specialized translation.
  C6 Mastery of computing tools and technical instruments for interpreting.
  C7 Mastery of computer-assisted translation/localization techniques.
  C8 Information/documentation search skills.
  C9 Knowledge of financial and professional aspects.
  C10 Teamwork skills.
  C11 Ability to design and manage projects.
  C12 To possess a wide knowledge of culture.
  C13 Optimization of note-taking, summary writing, synthesis and rewording.
  C14 Mastery of computer tools.
  C15 Mastery of the specific techniques of editing, layout, checking and correction of translated texts.
  C16 Ability to design and organize work, and to manage and coordinate projects.
  C17 Ability to make decisions.
  C18 Ability to put knowledge into practice.
  C19 Ability to design and manage projects.
  C20 Human relations skills.
  C21 Accuracy and conscientiousness at work.
  C22 Translation skills.
  C23 Use of computer-assisted translation tools.
  C24 Independent-learning skills.
  C25 General knowledge and civilization.
  C26 Basic knowledge of the topics of each specialization.
  C27 Critical-thinking skills.
  C28 To possess an outstanding sociolinguistic competence.
  C29 Specific university education.
  C30 Mastery of languages.
  C31 Professional knowledge of computing and CAT.
  C32 To be able to appreciate diversity and multiculturalism.
  C33 Oral and written mastery of one’s own language.
Choose D Code Competences
  D1 Oral and written communication in one’s own language. Special attention will be paid to the knowledge and correct use of the two official languages of the Autonomous Community of Galicia.
  D2 Knowledge of a second and a third foreign language.
  D3 Project organization and planning skills.
  D4 Problem-resolution skills.
  D5 Knowledge of applied computing.
  D6 Information-management skills.
  D7 Decision-making skills.
  D8 Ethical and deontological commitment.
  D9 Critical-thinking skills.
  D10 Appreciation of diversity and multiculturalism.
  D11 Interpersonal relations skills.
  D12 Teamwork skills.
  D13 Work in an international context.
  D14 Striving for quality.
  D15 Independent-learning skills.
  D16 Ability to adapt to new situations.
  D17 Understanding of other cultures and customs.
  D18 Creativity.
  D19 Entrepreneurship skills.
  D20 Leadership skills.
  D21 Awareness about environmental issues.
  D22 Ability to put knowledge into practice.
  D23 individually
  D24 Project design and management.
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