Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriales
  Electrical systems
Topic Sub-topic
Systems of Electrical Energy Introduction to the systems of electrical energy.
The electrical sector Spanish. Operation of the electrical system Spanish: balance between production and consumption.
Centres of Control of Electrical Network of Spain.
Maps of network.
Zones of distribution in Spain and small distributors.
Quality of the Electrical Service.
Indexes of quality of the Service.
Networks of Distribution in Low Tension Elements of the aerial networks of *BT. Execution of the networks on façade and on supports.
Subterranean networks of *BT.
Put to earth and continuity of the neutral. Criteria of dimensioning of the wires of *BT.
Tackled: general box of protection and line *repartidora.
Forecast of loads and factors of simultaneity.
Elements of the Systems of Electrical Energy. Introduction to the general description of the systems.
*Aparamenta Electrical.
Parameters of the electrical lines: resistance, inductance and *capacitancia. Model of the electrical line.
Model of transformer of power. Model of the alternator.
Preparation of the model of an electrical system in values by unit.
Centres of Transformation for Distribution Diagrams and constitution of Centres of transformation.
Systems of protection.
Put to earth of the Centres.
Switches, *seccionadores and fusible. *Pararrayos.
Interconnection *pararrayos-*trafo.
Picture of *BT: interconnections *trafo-picture of *BT.
Protection against the environmental aggression.
Study of the Operation of the System: Flow of Loads Introduction.
Radial networks and *malladas.
Solution to the flow of loads: method of Gauss-*Seidel.
Control and operation of the system: structure, controls of frequency and of tension, tertiary control.
Protection of the Systems of Power. Characteristics of the currents of *cortocircuito: method of calculation. (JOIN-IN 60909).
Analysis of the *cortocircuitos *trifásicos balanced and unbalanced (JOIN-IN-21239).
Criteria of protection of the electrical system Spanish.
Elements of protection against overload and *cortocircuitos: automatic and fusible switches. *Sobretensiones: Origin and mechanism of propagation.
Coordination of the isolation: protection against the *sobretensiones (JOIN-IN 60071-1-2).
Industrial installations in Drop and Half tension. Elements of the installations: symbology, electrical diagrams, electrical wires, devices of control and protection, electrical pictures, fusible, *contactores and relays. Compensation of the reactive energy: harmonic and filters
Luminothcnics And Installations of Illumination. Foundations of luminothecnics.
Elements of the installations of lighted up.
Efficiency of the luminous sources. Harmonic and lighted up
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000