Educational guide 2023_24
Facultade de Ciencias Xurídicas e do Traballo
Grado en Derecho
  Financial and taxation law 1
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Learning-Service Realización de actividades que permiten a cooperación de varias materias e enfrontan aos alumnos/as, traballando en equipo, a problemas abertos. Permiten adestrar, entre outras, as capacidades de aprendizaxe en cooperación, de liderado, de organización, de comunicación e de fortalecemento das relacións persoais. Aquellos alumnos que realicen una actividad de aprendizaje y servicio serán evaluados en el porcentaje del 20 de observación sistemática A1
Essay questions exam Final exam consisting of two parts: a practical written exam (in which the student must demonstrate the acquisition of the essential competences of the subject) and a
The final exam consists of two parts: a practical written exam (in which the student must demonstrate the acquisition of the essential skills of the subject) and a theoretical written exam (in which different questions about the syllabus of the subject will be asked).
For those students who undergo the continuous evaluation system, this test will represent 70% of the total
evaluation system, this test will represent 70% of their final grade. For
those students who do NOT submit to the continuous evaluation, their grade will be composed of 70% of the grade obtained in the written theoretical exam and 30% of the grade obtained in the written practical exam.
80 A1
Systematic observation The faculty, through the different activities proposed to the students who undergo continuous assessment (case studies, oral presentation of a topic, written presentation of a paper, collaborative work in the classroom, etc.), will assess the active participation and quality of the interventions of this both in lectures and, above all, in seminars. The active participation and quality of the students who undergo continuous evaluation will represent 10% of their final grade. The participation of the students in the activities organized by the Financial and Tax Law Area will also be taken into account. 20 A1
Other comments on the Evaluation
The syllabus that appears in the contents section is a summarized version of the lessons that will be examined. In due time, at the beginning of the academic term, students will be provided with a more detailed syllabus with the headings that make up each lesson.



1.- At the beginning of the four-month period, the student must express his/her intention to take advantage of the continuous evaluation system. To this end, the teachers of the subject will provide a document that the student must fill out and sign within a certain period of time. This document will be binding, so that the students who sign it will NOT be able, subsequently and during that academic year, to change the evaluation system. Continuous evaluation students will attend class regularly.

2.- Students who sign the document indicated in the previous point, will be evaluated according to the criteria indicated above: final exam (70%), short answer tests (20%) and active and quality participation (10%). In the final exam, the written theory exam will account for 80% of the grade and the practical exam, in writing, will account for 20%. In any case, the student must obtain a minimum grade of 4 out of 10 in the final exam in order for the grades obtained through the continuous evaluation system to be taken into account. If this minimum grade is not achieved, the grade that will be reflected in the final exam will be the grade obtained in the final exam.  


3.- Students who do not submit to the continuous evaluation will take a single final exam in which all the competencies of the subject will be evaluated and which will consist of two parts: a written theoretical exam, which will represent 70% of their final grade; and a practical and written exam (which will be different from the one taken by the students submitted to the continuous evaluation), which will represent 30% of their final grade. 

4.- The final evaluation test, both for continuous and non-continuous evaluation students, will be held on the date, place and time specified in the official calendar approved for this purpose by the Faculty Board for the 2022/2023 academic year. Students who so wish, may voluntarily take the oral theory exam. In this case, they must inform the subject coordinator before the beginning of the final exam.

5.- WARNING for all students (with or without continuous evaluation): the student who attends only one of the tests of the final exam (written and theoretical test or written and practical test) or both tests with an insignificant participation, will be graded as NOT PRESENTED.


1.- In the June/July exam there will only be one final test, which will consist of two parts: a written practical test (in which one or more practical cases will be solved) and a written theoretical test (in which different questions will be asked about the subject matter). 

2.- The students who were submitted to the continuous evaluation system will keep the grade they obtained in the course and that will represent 30% of their total grade (20% of short answer tests and 10% of active participation and quality). The remaining 70% of the grade will come from the final exam. In this final exam, the theory and written exam will account for 80% of the grade and the practical exam, in writing, will account for 20%. In any case, the student must obtain a minimum grade of 4 out of 10 in the final exam in order for the grades obtained through the continuous evaluation system to be taken into account. If this minimum grade is not obtained, the grade that will be reflected in the final exam will be the grade obtained in the final exam. 

3.- For those students who do NOT undergo the continuous evaluation, their grade will be composed of 70% of the grade obtained in the oral theoretical exam and 30% of the grade obtained in the written practical exam. In both tests all the competences of the subject will be evaluated. The practical written test will be different from the one taken by students subject to continuous evaluation. 

4.- The final evaluation test, both for continuous and non-continuous evaluation students, will be held on the date, place and time specified in the official calendar approved for this purpose by the Faculty Board for the academic year 2022/2023. Students who so wish, may voluntarily take the oral theory exam. In this case, they must inform the subject coordinator before the beginning of the final exam.

WARNING for all students (with or without continuous evaluation): the student who attends only one of the tests of the final exam (written and theoretical test or written and practical test) or both tests with an insignificant participation, will be graded as NOT PRESENT.

SPECIFIC WARNING FOR STUDENTS ATTENDING THE END OF CAREER EXAMINATION: The exam of the End of Career Examination will be a written test with two parts, theoretical and practical, whose grade will make up 100% of the final grade and will evaluate all the competences of the subject. This grade will be composed of 70% of the grade obtained in the theoretical exam and 30% of the grade obtained in the practical exam. In the End of Career Examination, the continuous evaluation grade obtained by the student, if any, in the previous academic year will not be taken into account. The End-of-Course Examination will take place on the date, place and time specified in the official calendar approved for this purpose by the Faculty Board for the academic year 2022-2023.


SPECIFIC WARNING FOR STUDENTS APPLYING TO BE EXAMINED BY TRIBUNAL (ONLY FOR STUDENTS IN THE 4th AND SUBSEQUENT MATRICULA): The exam will consist of two parts (practical and theoretical) and will be exclusively written. The dates and times of the different exam opportunities are those specified in the evaluation test calendar approved by the Faculty Board for the 2022/23 academic year. 
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