Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
  Microwave and Millimetre Wave Circuit Design and CAD
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practical The student will -individually- fabricate (in Hybrid Technology) and measure the RF performance of a microwave circuit prototype. The assessment will take into account: the assembly of the fabricated prototype, the final measured RF performance and the written report.
In this work, it will be evaluated competencies CG1, CG4, CG8 and CE32.
20 B1
Mentored work The student will -individually- design, with ideal passive components, and simulate the performance of a microwave circuit prototype. The assessment will take into account: the circuit design, the simulated performance and the written report.
In this work, it will be evaluated competencies CG1, CG4, CG8 and CE32.
30 B1
Mentored work The student will -individually- write a report and perform an oral presentation about a topic related to the Subject. The assessment will be performed by taking into account: the quality of the report, the presentation and the discussion (answers to questions) after the presentation.
In this work, it will be evaluated competencies CG1, CG4, CG8 and CE32.
10 B1
Mentored work The student will -individually- design in Hybrid Microstrip Technology and simulate/evaluate the RF performance of a microwave circuit prototype. The assessment will take into account: the circuit layout, the simulated RF performance and the written report.
In this work, it will be evaluated competencies CG1, CG4, CG8 and CE32.
40 B1
Other comments on the Evaluation
The subject will be taught and evaluated fully in English. Technical documents, reports, presentations and interactions with the students will be performed in English. 

A) First Call:
The student work in the subject will be evaluated through the development of the mentored works and laboratory practice: 

1. The microwave circuit prototype: design (ideal and microstrip), fabrication in hybrid integrated technology, RF performance evaluation (simulated/ experimental) and written report.  In total, up to 90% of the total Subject qualification.  

2. The topic written report and its oral presentation (with discussion). In total, up to 10% of the total subject qualification. 

Those students who did opt for Global Evaluation (this decision is always open until 1 month before the date of the global examination), will have four weeks to design, fabricate (mandatory to opt to a grade above 80% of the maximum subject qualification), evaluate performance and write a report of a new circuit prototype, chosen by the lecturer. The assessment of this work will be up to 100% of the subject qualification.

 B) Second Call: 

Those students who attended at least in 80% of the face-to-face class hours will have the opportunity to re-design his/her previous prototype and also improve the topic written report. Each of these tasks will be assigned the same qualification percentage as in the First Call  

Those students who have not been present in at least 80% of the face-to-face class hours, or did not opt for improving their previous works, will have four weeks to design, fabricate (mandatory to opt to a grade above 80% of the maximum subject qualification), evaluate performance and write a report of a new circuit prototype, chosen by the lecturer. The assessment of this work will be up to 100% of the subject qualification.

In the End-of-Program Call, evaluations will be similar to the Second Call.

In case of plagiarism detection in any
of the student works, the grade obtained by the student in this course will
be a failing grade ( 0 ) and the course lecturer/s will communicate this issue
to the school Board of Directors so they may take those measures deemed appropriate.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000