The final mark will be expressed in numerical form
ranging from 0 to 10, according to the valid regulation (Royal decree 1125/2003
of 5 September; BOE 18 September). Following the guidelines of the degree the students
will be offered two evaluation systems: continuous assessment and global assessment. Students must choose at the start of the subject if they wish to follow
the continuous evaluation or prefer to follow the global assessment at the end of
the semester. Students who choose global assessment must notify the subject coordinator in writing within one month from the beginning of the semester. CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT IN ORDINARY CALL
The students that have chosen continuous assessment,
but do not pass the course, will have to do the global assessment in extraordinary call. The different tasks should be delivered in the date
specified by the teacher, otherwise they will not be assessed for the
continuous evaluation. If the number of students allows it, the students will develop the theoretical
exercises, the laboratory practices and the laboratory projects individually.
In case of doing them in groups of two students the mark will be the same for
both. The students who want to be assessed in the continuous
evaluation can only miss two sessions of any type as a maximum. If they miss more than 2
sessions, it will be compulsory to do an additional individual task or an
examination. GLOBAL ASSESSMENT(ordinary or extraordinary call) AND END-OF-PROGRAM CALL The students that opt for the global assessment (whether it is at the ordinary or extraordinary call) or for the end-of-program call will have to do all the theoretical and practical tasks and the project individually. The tasks for the single assessment must be delivered before the official date of the examination set by the faculty. FINAL MARK OF THE COURSE 1) Laboratory practices. Each laboratory practice will be marked from 0 to 10. Its influence in the total mark of the subject will be weighted in function of the number of hours assigned to each lesson. That is, the mark of the practices will be obtained through the following formula: LAB = Mark Lesson 1L + ... + Mark Lesson 7L 2) Theoretical exercises and problems. Each one of the theoretical exercises and problems proposed in the theoretical sessions will be evaluated. Each exercise will be marked from 0 to 10. Its influence in the total mark of the subject will be weighted according to the difficulty and length of the exercise. The main exercise will consist in the design of a software routine and a hardware peripheral to perform the function assigned to each student and compare the performance of both, in terms of execution time and logical resources used. The content corresponds to topic 7 of theory. It will be necessary to show the teacher the operation of each one of the circuits and programs. It will be necessary to deliver a brief report explaining the work done. The total mark will be the sum of the marks of each one of the exercises: TE = Exercise 1 + ... + Exercise N 3) Tutored works. This work consists in the design of an embedded system. The correct operation of the developed circuits and programs will be evaluated. This work will be marked from 0 to 10. 4) Presentation. The work developed during the laboratory project will be presented. The presentation will be marked from 0 to 10. In case the students pass the theoretical exercises (TE), the laboratory practices (LAB) and the tutored works (TW), that is, the mark of each part >= 5, the final mark (FM) will be the weighted sum of the marks of each part of the subject: FM = 0,25 * TE + 0,25 * LAB + 0,40 * TW + 0,10 * OP In case the students do not pass any of the three main parts of the subject, that is, the mark of any task < 5, the final mark (FM) will be: FM = Minimum [4'9; (0,25 * TE + 0,25 * LAB + 0,40 * TW + 0,10 * OP) ] Where: TE = Global mark of the theoretical exercises and problems. LAB = Laboratory Practices. TW = Tutored Work. OP = Oral presentation. Plagiarism is regarded as serious dishonest behavior. If any form of plagiarism is detected in any of the exercises, the final mark will be FAIL (0), and the incident will be reported to the corresponding academic authorities for appropriate action. |