Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
  Advanced Digital Electronic Systems
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Objective questions exam At the end of the semester there will be an exam of short problems and/or development questions. This exam asses all of the contents taught in the theoretical classes. 40 C10
Problem and/or exercise solving Students will solve a set of problems and/or system design exercises. It represents 10% of the final score. 10 C10
Laboratory practice The assessment of the laboratory practices takes place during the practical sessions. The student should complete at least 4 of the 5 sessions. The implementation of the circuits described in the practice guidelines and the reports submitted at the end on each session will deserve the 25% of the final grade. 25 B4
Project Students will develop a design project in groups of 2 persons, preferably, demonstrating the skills acquired in the theoretical lessons and laboraory practices. The project represents the 25% of the final grade. 25 A4
Other comments on the Evaluation

The subject can be passed with the maximum grade through continuous assessment (CA) or global assessment (GA). Both evaluation methods are mutually exclusive. The student who attends more than 2 laboratory sessions is considered to have opted for continuous assessment. However, those who wish to waive continuous assessment may do so within a maximum period of one month before the end of the semester.

1. Continuous assessment:

Students who opt for the CA modality will have two evaluation opportunities, the ordinary call at the end of the semester and the extraordinary one at the end of the course (June-July).

1.1 Ordinary call

The ordinary call consists of a set of assessments that will be carried out throughout the semester. The dates of all the tests will be published in a shared calendar and will be available at the beginning of the semester.

The weight and content of the assesssments is as follows:

- Objective questions exam and/or questions of development (NExam):

  • It covers all of the contents taught in the theoretical classes and/or practices.  Includes short problems or questions, or multiple answer questions.
  • The student passes this part if he/she gets a mark greater than or equal to 4 over 10.

- Problem and/or exercise solving (NExerc):

  • It consists of a set of problems and/or design exercises that students must solve and deliver on certain previously stipulated dates.
  • These activities would be realized outside the classroom hours.

- Laboratory practices (NPrac):

  • The student must correctly implement the circuits described in the practice scripts and deliver a results report corresponding to each practice. The mark of each practice depends on these results.
  • It can be done individually or by groups of 2 students. In the latter case, if both attend the practice, the mark is the same for both.
  • The practices are compulsory. The students must attend at least 4 of the 5 practice sessions (80% compulsory attendance).

- Project (NPro):

  • This project will be developed by students through autonomous work and supervised by teachers in type C hours.

Continuous assessment final grade (Final_CA):

The final grade of the ordinary CA is obtained as follows:

Final_CA = (NExam*0.4 + NExerc*0.1 + NPrac*0.25 + NPro*0.25) if NExam is greater than or equal to 4;

Final_CA = min [(NExam*0.4 + NExerc*0.1 + NPrac*0.25 + NPro*0.25), 4.9] in any other case;

1.2 Extraordinary call:

The student that does not pass one or more assessments of the ordinary call can recover the following parts in the extraordinary call:

  • He/she can complete the project and this mark replaces the previous one (NPro).
  • He/she can take the theoretical exam and this mark replaces the previous one (NExam).
  • He/she can do the problems and/or design exercises and this mark replaces the previous one (NExerc).

The final grade of the extraordinary call is obtained in the same way as the ordinary one.

2. Global assessment:

As with the continuous assessment, students who opt for global assessment will have two opportunities, ordinary and extraordinary calls. In both cases it will consist of the following parts:An exam in which all the theoretical contents of the subject are evaluated. It consists of several short problems and/or development questions and lasts 2 hours. To pass the subject it is necessary to obtain a 4 out of 10. This exam
represents 40% of the final grade (NExam).

  • A practical exam covering the same aims of the labortory practices developed during the course. This exam lasts 2 hours. The weight of this evaluation represents 20% of the final grade (Nprac).
  • An individual project with the same objectives and complexity as the project carried out in the continuous assessment. This project represents 40% of the final grade (NPro). To pass the subject it is necessary to obtain a grade greater than or equal to 4 out of 10.

Global assessment final grade (Final_GA):

The final grade (Final_GA) is obtained as follows:Final_GA = (NExam*0.4 + NPrac*0.2 + NPro*0.4) if NExam and NPro are greater than or equal to 4;Final_GA = min [(NExam*0.4 + NPrac*0.2 + NPro*0.4), 4.9] in any other case.

3. Other comments:
  • Students may write their reports, papers, exams or presentations in Spanish, Galician or English.
  • The grades obtained in the continuous or global assessment are only valid for the current academic year.
  • The use of books, notes or electronic devices such as phones or computers is not permitted in any exam. Mobile phones must be turned off and out of reach of the student.
  • Plagiarism is regarded as serious dishonest behavior. In the case that plagiarism is detected in any of the reports/tasks/exams done/taken, the final grade will be FAIL (0), and the incident will be reported to the corresponding academic authorities for prosecution.
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