Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Bioloxía
Grado en Biología
  Biotechnology applied to plant production
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Objective questions exam The final exam will consist of objective questions related to the learning achieved. 30 A5
Report of practices, practicum and external practices Presentation of a final report in which the methodology, materials, data obtained, statistical analysis, graphic representation and discussion of the results obtained will be presented, including all the literature consulted. 40 A4
Case studies The evaluation of the seminars will be done through collaborative work (plant physiology) and problem solving of
individual form (Genetics) together with the delivery of a small report or an objective test.
30 A4
Other comments on the Evaluation

Given that the training and continuous evaluation activities programmed within the Laboratory Practices and Seminars are designed to train students in skills and competences directly related to the exercise of the profession in the field of biotechnology applied to plant production, the attendance and participation of students in both evaluable activities is mandatory, in such a way that the absence or unjustified non-performance of these activities will prevent passing the subject. Therefore, considering the practical nature and the results of training and learning that are sought to achieve with both methodologies, students who opt for the global evaluation mode must also perform these activities.

It will be essential to obtain in each of the parts, at least 40% of the total evaluation, to compensate.

Students who do not meet this requirement at the first opportunity will be graded on the transcript with the highest grade achieved in the failed parts, and must repeat at the second opportunity (July) the test related to the part or parts in which they have not reached the 4.0. Logically, students who find themselves in this situation will keep the grade of the part/s passed (≥4.0) in the first opportunity and of the Practicals and Seminars, to take them into account in the final grade. In the second opportunity, it will also be essential to reach 4.0 in all the parts subject to recovery. The reports of practices and seminars that must be passed in the second call will be done individually. In the case of internships, once passed, the grade will be kept for the following year.

Ethical aspects, plagiarism will be prosecuted in the works, as well as copying from other students during the evaluation tests, which may be cause for a reduction of the grade and even a failure in the subject. This fraudulent conduct will be sanctioned with the firmness and rigor established by current regulations and may result in the suspension of the course for an entire academic year.

The dates of the exams are indicated in the following link:
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000