Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Bioloxía
Grado en Biología
  Biology: Evolution
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Laboratory practical They will make practices of 3 or 4 hours each one:

1. Recognition and interpretation of the register fossil (3 hours). The students will confront to a real statigraphic series, with included fossils in his taphonomic environment and will have to learn the keys of his interpretation.

2. Phylogenetic analysis (3 hours). The main aims of the activity is that the students learn to apply the tools but simple of phylogenetic analysis. For this used a small group of data of different species, and selecting the characters, will expose a phylogenetic hypothesis of this group of organisms, with the end to make the evolutionary interpretations between the groups.

3. Human evolution (4 hours). One of the main tools of the human evolution is the comparison of skulls of different hominid species. The practice will allow that the students infer the evolutionary relations in the human lineage using a collection of replies of skulls fossils. Besides, it will retort an experiment on social selection in humans with the end to know and interpret the evolutionary studies on the human behaviour.

4. Practice of visualisation of videos (3 hours). Format of audiovisual communication and evolutionary divulging. Viewing of series of evolutionary videos. Discussion and review of concepts and evolutionary mechanisms. Preparation of report of understanding of the videos visualised by the student. Explanation of the protocol of preparation of scripts to make short videos. Preparation, by part of the student, of a script for an evolutionary video.
Studies excursion The students displaced to a zone of the intertidal rocky shore (Coast of Cape Estai) with the instruction to observe copulas in situ of one or several species to be able to estimate the component of sexual efficiency for any trait of easy determination as it is the colour of the shell. Also they will study for the same characters the frequency of the same in different stadiums of the cycle of life, with the instruction to estimate the component of feasibility.
Lecturing The mattter of the lecturer will be teached to students by means of magistral classes, prepared with the presentation of some occasional professional video. The students will be presents in shape of an alone face-to-face group. In the educational platform will be able to have of didactic material of support, presentations in pdf, etc. Also will have of the information (still is not complete) explained in shape of text and images in the web page that is developing for the subject:
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