Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Bioloxía
Grado en Biología
  Biology: Evolution
Topic Sub-topic
Introduction (3 hours) 1. Evidences on the evolution. Concept of Evolution. Evidences of the fact of the evolution. 2. History of the evolutionary ideas. From the antiquity until the modernity. Charles Darwin and the eclipse of the Darwinism. The modern evolutionary synthesis. The evolution in the century 20. The actuality. 3. Evolution and society. Current applications of the evolutionary theory. The evolution and the religion.
The evolutionary mechanisms (10 hours) 4. Introduction to the evolutionary theory. Structure of the theory. Mutations. It derives genetic. Migration. Natural selection. 5. Natural selection and adaptation. The characters object of the selection. Some basic concepts: natural selection, biological efficiency and adaptation. *Plasticidad *fenotípica And adaptation. Types of natural selection. 6. Measure of the natural selection. The natural selection and his practical decomposition in components. The measure of the selection in qualitative characters. The measure of the selection in quantitative characters. The sexual selection and his measure. Potentiality and limit of the natural selection. 7. Cooperation and conflict. The cooperation and the altruism. The study of the evolutionary conflict.
The species and his evolutionary interactions (3 hours) 8. Species and speciation. Concept of species and of reproductive isolation. The measure of the reproductive isolation. The origin of species.

9. Coevolution. Interactions between species and natural selection. Negative Coevolution: predation, parasitism and competition. *Positive Coevolution: mutualism and symbiosis.

10. Evolution and development. Deveolpment in model organisms. Evo-Devo tools. Evo-Devo example. Canalization and convergence.
I register fossil (4 hours) 11. Nature and meaning of the register fossil. Importance and representativeness of the register fossil.

12. Relation between the history of the life and the earth. The main biological events along the geological history.
Origin and diversification of the life (9 hours) 13. The origin of the life. Data theories and problems.

14. The tree of the life. Tools and methods of inference.

15. Bacteria, arch and eukaryotic. Evolutionary relations.

16. Origin and diversification of multicellular organisms. Origin and consequences of the multicellularity.

17. Macroevolution. Patterns and explanation of the macroevolution.
Human evolution (6 hours) 18. The human lineage: evolutionary history of primates and hominids. I register fossil and studies of ancient genetic material.

19. Evolution and diversity of human characters. Brain and language, Theory of the mind. Vital strategies: evolutionary commitments, senescence.

20. Social evolution in hominids. Systems of mating and sexual selection. Familiar selection. Cooperation and altruism.
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