Guia docente 2024_25
Facultad de Filología y Traducción
Grao en Tradución e Interpretación
  Idioma moderno: Idioma 1, II: Inglés
Tema Subtema
Use of English: Grammar and Vocabulary A. Grammar
- Selection of topics discussed in the set coursebook, covering (mainly but not exclusively) Coherence and Cohesion strategies, Verb patterns (-ing, to-infinitive, bare infinitive), Passive constructions, Conditional sentences, Introductory-it, Cleft-sentences (it-cleft, what-cleft), Reported speech.

B. Vocabulary
- Selection of topics discussed in the set coursebook, covering (mainly but not exclusively) collocations with nouns, verbs and prepositions; word formation with affixes; academic English.

C. Tasks modelled on C1 Advanced (Cambridge Advanced Examination, CAE)
- Practice exercises discussed in the set coursebook, covering multiple-choice cloze, open cloze, word formation, key-word transformation tasks.
Reading A. Tasks modelled on C1 Advanced (Cambridge Advanced Examination, CAE)
- Multiple choice, cross-text multiple matching, gapped text, multiple matching.

B. General
- Understanding written English at word (synonyms), phrase (phrasal verbs, idiomatic expressions), sentence, paragraph, and text level.
- Interpreting ideas, opinions, suggestions, and attitudes.
- Understanding cohesion, structure, and organisation of the text.
Writing A. Tasks modelled on C1 Advanced (Cambridge Advanced Examination, CAE)
- Informal email, Review, Short essay

B. General
- Using an appropriate style for a specific reader in an academic and non-academic environment.
- Using an appropriate range and variety of language.
- Coherence and cohesion: using appropriate linking words and phrases.
- Effective introductory and concluding paragraphs. Including relevant information in the body of the text.
- Organising key ideas and structuring an argument.
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