Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Comunicación
Máster Universitario en Comunicación en Medios Sociales y Creación de Contenidos Digitales
  Content strategies
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Seminars Participatory classroom sessions to delve into theoretical and practical aspects related to the subject's content. Attendance, participation, and submission of tasks completed in the classroom are evaluated. 40 A1
Mentored work Application of the subject's content to a supervised project that involves creating a content strategy and plan. 40 C6
Presentation Oral presentation of the supervised project. 20 C6
Other comments on the Evaluation


- The supervised work consists of a written assignment and an oral presentation of the proposal.

- It is necessary to pass each of the proposed assignments to pass the subject, with a minimum grade of 50%. If not the case, the student will receive a failing grade in the subject.

- In the second opportunity, the same evaluation system and criteria established for the first opportunity will be taken into account, although the assignments and activities will be done individually.


- The global evaluation system applies to those students who expressly waive the continuous evaluation system, which is the recommended system for taking this subject.

- This waiver must be made within the first month of teaching the subject, following the protocol guidelines approved by the Faculty of Communication Board and after informing the teacher.

- The global evaluation system will consist of an official theoretical exam (40%) and the development of an assignment comprising a written dossier (40%) and an oral presentation (20%), to be done individually. This assignment will involve creating a brand with the development of its strategy and content plan for social media.

- Each of the three assessments must be passed separately in order to pass the subject.

- Global evaluation exams will only be conducted on the official date approved by the institution.

- The assignment will not be accepted outside of the official date.

- No tutoring sessions will be provided that consist of explaining theoretical or practical content covered in face-to-face sessions.

- No additional materials will be provided beyond those incorporated in the Moovi online teaching platform for students who waive the continuous evaluation system.

Other aspects to consider

This subject is taught in face-to-face mode, so it is the students' duty to attend the teaching sessions according to the schedule established by the institution.

As mentioned when explaining the continuous evaluation system, attendance will be taken in all sessions (attendance sheet indicating name, ID, and signature).

This regulation applies to all enrolled students in this subject WITHOUT EXCEPTION.

The course guide presents the general outline of the subject. Due to space limitations and the impossibility of uploading additional documentation on the Docnet platform, more specific details regarding the global evaluation system will be managed through the Moovi platform in due time.

For everything not explicitly contemplated and/or detailed in this guide, the instructions of the "Regulamento sobre a avaliación, a calificación e a calidade da docencia e do proceso de aprendizaxe do estudantado" (Approved by the Board on April 18, 2023) will be taken as reference. Available at:
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000