Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Comunicación
Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas
  Company: Basics of marketing techniques
Topic Sub-topic
MARKETING CONCEPT Definition of marketing. The process of marketing in a company. Evolution of marketing. Extending marketing. Marketing relationship.
MARKETING STRATEGY The strategic planning of marketing. Marketing Plan.
MANAGING MARKETING INFORMATION Defining market environment.The answer of the company to the environment. The need for marketing informationaL and management. Concept, content and applications of Marketing Research. the process of Marketing Research.
MARKET AND CONSUMERS Definition and types of consumers. Demand.
Consumer behaviour. The nature of market segmentation.
MARKETING MIX Product as a marketing element. Brand, the packaging and label. Product life-cycle. Product positioning strategies.
Pricing decisions. The nature of pricing. Identifying pricing constraints. Strategies of prices.
Distribution decisions.Concept and functions of distribution. Designing the distribution channels. Characteristics of the existing distribution system.
Promotion decisions. The communication mix.
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