Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Belas Artes
Grado en Bellas Artes
  Management, the artistic sector and the professional world
Topic Sub-topic
1. The artist how professional.
2. The production, management and *difusión of the work.
3. Cultural and authorizing agents artistic.
4. Analysis of the institution *museística.
5. The distinct places of exhibition.
6. The public and personal collections. The collectors.
7. The cultural politics.
8. The system of galleries. The fairs. The market of the art.
9. Systems of legitimation and value.
10. The public
11. Social and legal aspects.
12. New ways of artistic management.
1. The artist how authorizing of a well of cultural consumption, social and economic.
2. The artistic work how capitalist production.
3. Directors of museums, commissioners, coordinators of exhibitions, conservative, critical, cultural journalists.
4. The museum wished and refused. Crisis and revival of the museum.
5. Centres *expositivos of different personal and public institutions, foundations, *corporacións, alternative and community spaces.
6. The meaning to collect. Passion and business. Expose the collected to show and revalidate.
7. Diversity of personal and public entities and characteristic of the his cultural programmings. Tools used in the his productions.
8. Galleries and economy, the market and the net of fairs how mercantile event.
9. The power *lexitimador of gallery, museum, specialized press, commissioner and critical.
10. Politics of *merchandising and the value of the public and of the popular.
11. Royalties.
12. Alternative nets, social and community.
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