Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Dereito
Grado en Derecho
  Legal argumentation & interpretation
Topic Sub-topic
I. DISAGREEMENTS and DEBATES 1. The concept of disagreement
1.1 Classification of disagreements
1.2 Analyses of disagreements
2. Non- genuine disagreements
2.1 Merely verbal Disagreements
2.2 Definition and verbal disagreements
3. Argumentative exchanges
3.1. Differences of opinion
3.2 Disagreements and debate
4. Argumentation in debates
II. LEGAL ARGUMENTATIONS 1. Identification and reconstruction of arguments
2. Reconstruction of arguments
3. A paradigmatic case of legal reasoning: the judicial sentence
4. Judicial sentence and stock issues
5. Reconstruction of judicial arguments
1. Validity and logical form
2. Simple deductive arguments
2.1 Modus ponens
2.2 Modus tollens
2.3 The hypothetical argument
2.4 The disjunctive argument
2.5 The dilemma
3. Complex deductive arguments
4. Deductive chains
5. Complex valid forms
5.1 Reduction to the absurd
6. Syllogisms
1. The field of the probability
2. What is an inductive argument?
3. Some misconceptions about induction
4. The inductive strength of an argument
5. Induction and probability
6. Inductive Arguments
7. The more common inductive forms in legal practice
7.1 Inferences by enumeration
7.2 Analogy
7.3 Abduction
1. Fallacies in legal argumentation
2. A dialogic model
2.1 Rational Dialogue
2.2 Positive and negative Rules
2.3 The burden of proof in oral debates
3. Informal Fallacies
3.1 Appeals to the authority
3.2 Personal attacks
4. Interrogations
4.1 Questions, replies and answers
4.2 Types of questions
4.3 Presuppositions, questions and fallacies
4.4 Evaluation of interrogations
VI. THEORIES OF ARGUMENTATION 1. Theories of contemporary legal argumentation
2. Constitutional principles and legal argumentation
3. Descriptive and normative models
3.1 The theory of Arnio
3.2 The theory of Alexy
3.3 The theory of MacCormick
3.4 The theory of Toulmin
4. Rhetoric
4.1 Topical and rhetoric
4.2 Perelman and the new rhetoric
VII. THEORIES OF INTERPRETATION 1. What is to interpret?
2. Interpretation and meaning
3. Contemporary theories of legal interpretation
3.1 The position of Kelsen
3.2 The position of Ross
3.3 The position of Hart
3.4 The position of Dworkin
4. Interpretation and legal dogmatic
5. Interpretation and the application of law
6. Interpretation and argumentation
6.1 Interpretative Arguments
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