Educational guide 2017_18
E. U. de Enfermaría (Povisa)
Grao en Enfermaría
  Introduction to advanced nursing
Topic Sub-topic
1. CONCEPTUAL BASES OF DIAGNOSE And CARES OF INFIRMARY IN NUCLEAR MEDICINE 1.1. Description of processes diagnostics in Nuclear Medicine.

1.2. Ganglion *centinela.

1.3. Cares of Infirmary in Nuclear Medicine.
2. CONCEPTUAL BASES OF DIAGNOSE And CARES OF INFIRMARY IN CONVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY And *INTERVENCIONISTA. 2.1. Description and classification of the different technical of *radiodiagnóstico.

2.2. Radiology *Intervencionista

2.3. Cares and procedures of infirmary in radiology *intervencionista and conventional.
3. CONCEPTUAL BASES OF DIAGNOSE And CARES OF INFIRMARY IN PLASTIC And BURNED SURGERY 3.1. Surgical technicians applied the the plastic surgery and *reconstructiva: *injertos, *colgajos, etc.

3.2. *Reimplantes Of members and transfers.

3.3. Cutaneous tumors.

3.4. Surgery of breast: plastic - *reconstructiva and aesthetic.

3.5. Burns.

3.6. Cares of infirmary.
4. CONCEPTUAL BASES OF DIAGNOSE And CARES OF INFIRMARY IN CARDIAC And THORACIC SURGERY. 4.1. Introduction to the processes *fisiopatológicos related with the cardiac and thoracic surgery.

4.2. Description of the surgical technicians.

4.3. *Perfusionismo And *hemodinamia

4.4. Cares of infirmary.
5. CONCEPTUAL BASES OF DIAGNOSE And CARES OF INFIRMARY IN ORAL SURGERY And *MÁXILO FACIAL. 5.1. Oral surgery and *implantología. Pathologies more common and indications of the surgery.

5.2. Articulation *témporomandibular: pathophysiology, classification of the main alterations, possibilities of treatment

5.3. Pathologies of the glands salivated, tumors, classification and surgical technicians employees.

5.4. Congenital cervical pathology and purchased: diagnostic and treatment.

5.5. *Oncología Oral and *maxilofacial: classifications, diagnostic and possible treatments. I handle of the patient *oncológico in plant.

5.6. Traumatology *craneo-*maxilofacial: I handle of the patient *traumatizado, types of fractures, treatment and handle *postoperatorio.

5.7. Deformities *dentofaciales: classification, diagnostic and treatment.

6.2. Cerebral tumors.

6.3. Pathology of the column: hernias ...

6.4. Cranial traumatisms.

6.5. Cares of infirmary in *neurocirugía.
7. CONCEPTUAL BASES OF DIAGNOSTIC And CARES OF INFIRMARY IN RADIOTHERAPY 7.1. Classification and *descipción of the different technical *radioterápicas: *Braquiterapia, therapy *metaboólica, ...

7.2. Complications of the radiotherapy: *radiodermitis

7.2. Cares of infirmary in radiotherapy.
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