Guia docente 2015_16
E. U. de Enfermaría (Povisa)
Grao en Enfermaría
  Community Nursing II
Topic Sub-topic
*Epidemiología Of wools *enfermedades *transmisibles. Concept of *enfermedad *transmisible and *infecciosa, *enfermedades *emergentes.
*Enfermedades *transmisibles By aerial road, *digestiva, by contact, by *zoonosis, *enfermedades *vectoriales, *infecciones *nosocomiales, *boletines *epidemiológicos.
Outbreaks *epidémicos.
*Epidemiología *y Prevention of wools *enfermedades chronicles. Program of preventive activities *y promotion of wool *salud (PAAPS):
*Estrategias of prevention.
Wools *enfermedades *cardiovasculares.
He cancer.
Wool *diabetes
*Actividad physical *y *salud.
#Feeding *y *salud public.
*Epidemiología *y Prevention of wool *obesidad. *Epidemiología *y Prevention of *los accidents.
Salud labour.
Salud *bucodental
Principles *generales of Primary Attention, Organisation *y *funcionamiento of *los *Servicios of Primary Attention of Salud.
Promotion of wool Salud
Familiar infirmary, Community *y of Salud Public. *Generalidades
Political of *salud. Normative frame. Sanitary system Spaniard.
Primary attention. Team *interdisciplinar. *Cartera Of *servicios. Coordination *interniveles. Systems of information. Centre of *salud. Organisation.
Domiciliary attention / *enfermera *gestora of cases.
Promotion of wool *salud: nest *sano, teenager (drugs, *tatuajes, piercing, *sexualidad...) *edad Adult (violence of *género, attention to wool family) *y *anciano.
Attention to wool dependency
Attention *sociosanitaria
Cooperation in the *gubernamental

Concepts *generales *y bases of wool training and information for wool *salud (EPS)..
Approaches *y models of EPS
Planning of programs *y/the activities of EPS. Methods *y means of EPS.
EPS in groups, dynamics of groups.
EPS in *personas / patient
school Infirmary
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