Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Didactics of teaching-learning processes in physical activity & sports 1
Topic Sub-topic
I. Conceptualization. Exposure of basic conceptual aspects stop the undestandiing of the Didactic intervention in the processes of T-L through the physical activity and when deposing you. 1. The didactic.1.1. Definition.1.2. Object, functions and classes of didactic.1.3. Didactic and curriculum.
II. Principles, competitions and objective of the didactic intervention in the processes of teaching-learning through the physical activity and when deposing you. Exhibition of the different types of didactic aims and competitions. Concept and formulation applied to the processes of T-L in the physical activity and the sport. 4. The competences in physical education.5. The didactic aims. Type of aims 5.1. Criterion didactic model 5.2. Criterion level of concretion. 5.3. Criterion field of the behavior.6. Tasks of the teacher about the objective and competitions 6.1. Roads of access to the concretion of the objective. 6.2. The formulation of aims. 6.3. Taxonomys
III. Contents in the processes of T-L in the physical activity. Exhibition of the concept of content, taxonomy and development and formulation of contents. 7. The contents. Type of contents 7.1. The contents in the education through the motricity 7.2. Abstract or epistemological contents. Taxonomy. 7.3. Psycho pedagogycal contents . Taxonomy.
IV. The methods in the didactic of the processes of T-L in the physical activity and the sport. Exhibition of the methods and didactic strategies in the processes of T-L in the physical activity and the sport. 9. Methodology of the didactic intervention. 9.1. Concepts and elements. 9.2. The didactic strategies. 9.3. Styles vs methods of teaching.10. Activities of teaching-learning 10.1. The task. 10.2. Method of presentation of the task. 10.3. Formulation of motor tasks. 10.4. Didactic analysis of motor tasks.
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