Guia docente 2023_24
Facultade de Ciencias Xurídicas e do Traballo
Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos
  Administrative law
Topic Sub-topic
Subject 1. *Qué It is the Administrative Right 1. *Qué It is the Administrative Right
2. Essence of the Right Official
3. Origin and evolution of the Right Official
4. The field of application of the Right Official
Subject 2. Constitutional bases of the Right Official 1. Constitution and Administrative Right
2. The constitutional conception of the public Administration.
It. The public Administration how institution to the objective service of the general interests.
*b. *Qué They are the general interests.
*c. Government and Administration
*d. Participation and transparency
and. A plural and decentralized organisation
3. Full submission of the Administration to the Law and to the Right.
It. The *plenitude of the submission to Right
*b. Legality and *xuricidade.
*c. *Vinculación Negative and *vinculación positive.
And. Authorities *regladas and *discrecionalidade administrative.
4. The control of the public Administration poles Courts.
It. The constitutional system of control envelope the Executive Power.
*b. The judicial control of the Administration
Subject 3: The *ordenamento juridical official 1. The *ordenameto juridical official
2. The norms written: the Constitution, the norms *supraestatales and the laws
it. The Constitution
*b. The International Treaties.
*c. The Right of the European Union
*d. The laws of the Been.
And. The Statutes of Autonomy.
*f. The laws of the Autonomous Communities
3. The regulation
it. Concept
*b. Statutory authority
*c. The regulation and other juridical figures.
*d. Kinds of regulations.
And. Titularity of the statutory authority.
*f. The content of the regulation.
*g. The procedure of manufacture of the regulations.
*h. Invalidity of the regulations
*i. The *inderogabilidade singular of the regulations.
Subject 4. The administrative organisation 1. Theory of the administrative organisation.
2. The General Administration of the Been.
It. The Government.
*b. The Ministries and the *sua *estructura internal.
*c. The peripheral Administration of the Been.
*d. The Administration of the Been in the External.
And. *Organos Consultative, of coordination and control.
*f. The Administration of the European Union.
3. The Autonomous Communities
it. Origin and evolution of the Been of the Autonomies.
*b. Institutions of the Autonomous Communities.
*c. The competitions of the Autonomous Communities.
*d. Relations of the Autonomous Communities with the Been.
And. Autonomous communities and Local Administration.
*f. Autonomous communities and European Union.
*g. The controls envelope the Autonomous Communities.
4. The Local Administration
it. The municipality.
*b. The province.
*c. The insular Administration.
*d. Other local entities.
And. Relations *interadministrativas.
5. The instrumental entities.
It. Concept and evolution.
*b. Organisms and *entes public.
*c. *Corporacións Of public Right
*d. Personal entities of the Public Sector.
And. The exercise of public functions by personal entities.
5. Wool Administration and the *suas relations with the citizen 1. Juridical situation of the citizen in the Right *Adimistrativo.
It. The juridical relation of Administrative Right.
*b. Concept of citizen and of interested.
*c. Subjective rights and legitimate interests.
*d. Duties, duties and cargos.
And. Relations of supremacy or of *suxeción special and statutory relations.
2. General rights of the citizen in the his relations with the Administration.
It. Rights of information and access to the administrative documents.
*b. Rights of participation in the *exercicicio of the administrative functions.
*c. The right to use the *lenguas official in the territory of each Autonomous Community.
Subject 6: The administrative procedure 1. The common administrative procedure and administrative procedures
2. The general principles of the procedure
3. The subjects of the procedure
it. The managers of the procedure
*b. The interested
4. Have them to me and terms: his *cómputo
5. Phases of the administrative procedure:
it. The initiation of the procedure
*b. The administrative file
*c. Provisional measures
*d. Acts of instruction
and. *Terminación Of the procedure
Subject 7: The administrative acts 1. Concept of administrative act
2. Elements of the administrative acts
3. Kinds of administrative acts: relevance of the different criteria
4. The #efficacy of the administrative acts
it. Concept
*b. The immediate #efficacy
*c. Exceptions to the immediate #efficacy:
*d. #Efficacy *demorada; notification and publication of the administrative acts
and. #Efficacy anticipated
5. Theory of the invalidity: degrees of invalidity of the administrative acts
it. The *anulabilidade of the administrative acts
*b. Absolute nullity or of right plenary
*c. Irregularities no *invalidantes
6. The problem of the inactivity of the Administration
it. The duty to resolve and notify. Terms
*b. Effects of the administrative silence
*c. Procedures initiated the application of the interested
*d. Procedures initiated of job. Caducity
and. Juridical nature of the administrative silence: legal fiction or presumptive act. The #efficacy of the presumptive acts.
*f. The terms to resort the administrative silence
*g. The administrative silence in the town-planning Right
7. The compulsory execution of the administrative acts
it. The budgets of the execution
*b. Principles of the procedure of execution
*c. Means of compulsory execution
8. The *coacción direct
9. The road in fact
Subject 8: The no judicial controls of the administrative activity 1. The general system of guarantees.
2. The external controls specialized
it. The Defender of the People and equivalent institutions.
*b. The Court of Accounts and equivalent institutions.
2. The administrative resources.
It. Concept.
*b. The common resources in the LPACA*P: principles and *reglas general.
*c. The resource of height.
*d. The resource *potestativo of *reposición.
And. The extraordinary resource of review.
*f. Special administrative resources.
*g. Economic claims-administrative.
3. Review and *revocación of the administrative acts.
It. The review of job of invalid acts.
*b. Declaration of *lesividade of the acts *anulables.
*c. The *revocación of the administrative acts.
*d. *Rectificación Of errors.
And. General limits of the faculties of review.
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