Guia docente 2023_24
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Máster Universitario en Lingüística Aplicada
  Sociocultural and Linguistic Aspects in Teaching Second Languages
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Seminars Students will write five reports where they will include their class notes, with descriptions and personal reflections on the learning made in the classroom sessions. The teacher can also ask for reports on a specific reading. In any case, they must be submitted to on the learning platform on the dates agreed with the class. The reports will be evaluated by the teacher using a rubric that will be presented at the beginning of the course. Finally, the average grade of all submitted reports will be calculated. 75
Presentation In groups, students will present an oral review of a scientific paper related to the contents of the subject. The article will be agreed with the teacher, who will evaluate the presentation according to a rubric presented at the beginning of the course. In any case, the reviews will be submitted to the learning platform on the dates agreed with the class. 25
Other comments on the Evaluation
Justified absence
Students unable to attend classes in person for justified reasons (official academic exemption, illness etc.) may carry out an essay on a course topic agreed with the teacher, who will evaluate it from a rubric available on the course's website. Academic works presented by the students in the course may be incorporated into the database of a plagiarism detection tool. If this circumstance occurs, the measures included in the Norms of evaluation, revision and claim of the qualifications of bachelor's and master's degree studies may be activated.
Students with attendance dispensation will also be entitled to continuous assessment.

Second Examination Call

Students who do not attend or pass the first examination call may attend the second one. In this case, students must take a written exam on 100% of the course contents. The exam will take place on the official date set in the master's calendar. It will be scored from 0 to 10 according to a rubric provided by the teacher. The exam will include a theoretical question and a hypothetical case study that the students will have to solve. The work carried out during the course will not be taken into account. The evaluation system for the second examination call will be also applied in the December call.

Students with special educational needs (SEN)

Students with special educational needs due to specific learning difficulties may be subject to an adaptation of the evaluation system. This adaptation, agreed between the teacher and the students involved, will seek to guarantee the use of all the means necessary for SEN students to demonstrate the achievement of the course objectives.

Working languages

As linguas de traballo do curso serán o galego/portugués, o castelán e o inglés. En principio, o profesor presentará o contido da materia en galego/portugués, aínda que o pode facer en castelán se unha parte significativa do alumnado así o solicitar. O alunado pódese dirixir ao profesor en calquera unha das linguas de traballo ou en calquera outra lingua que o profesor puider compreender. Na sala de aula, é preferíbel o uso do galego/portugués e o castelán.

The use of automatic translators in any learning activity of this course, as well as to communicate with the teacher, is not allowed. Repeated use of machine translation in a report or a review may lead to the suspension of its evaluation.

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