Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Comunicación
Grado en Comunicación Audiovisual
  Programming for Audiovisual Products
Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction to the audiovisual programming: definition, origin and evolution. 1.1. Definition and purpose.
1.2. Programming: continuity and fragmentation in the television speech.
1.3. Evolution of the programming in television.
2. Contents and cataloging 2.1. Gender and format: conceptual approach.
2.2. Types of television contents: genders, macrogenders and hybrid contents.
2.3. The own production, external and extraneous
2.4. The fiction in Spain like key gender
2.5. The no fiction and the factuals
2.6. New digital formats
3. Audiences 3.1. Definition
3.2. Measurement of audiences in the audiovisual: polls and audimeters
3.3. The measurement of audience in Spain: main data
3.4. The audience and the phenomenon fan in the audiovisual: the audience creator.
4. The television programming 4.1. The department of programming and the programmer in television: functions.
4.2. Programming in television: grills and time bands.
4.3. Vertical loyalty VS horizontal loyalty.
5. Strategies and tactical of television programming 5.1. Classical strategies of programming in the television: location, format and characters
5.2. The programming in the autonomic channels.
5.3. The programming in the thematic channels, pay per view and multiplatform.
5.4. Strategies of programming in PostTV: synergy web TV, multimedia and social synergy TV.
5.5. The programming in the VOD platforms.
6. Television identity. 6.1. The television identity: definition and functions.
6.2. Elements that compose the television identity.
6.3. The programming from an advertising perspective: question of image and positioning.
7. The cinematographic programming 7.1. History and specificities of the cinematographic programming
7.2. Programming of containers, cycles and cinematographic events (festivals, film library, museums)
7.3. The programming of cinema in television.
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